Inara Serra

YouTube: yes. Also he could take a class. The adoption agency my sister adopted from holds them for non Black parents who adopt Black children. Maybe that’s a thing that lots of agencies do (I don’t know much about adoption beyond our families experience)? He could also hire someone for one on one lessons. Those

This is one of the hardest things for me to reconcile when knowing I will be voting for Hillary. I have no doubt that Bill Clinton has a long history of harassment and rape and the women we know about are just the tip of the iceberg. As for Hillary’s involvement, I doubt he ever flat out confessed to her but I’m sure

I know this is going to sound shitty but I’ve always arched an eyebrow at ideas like this and the multitude of self-helpy memes along the lines of “you’re awesome and if someone doesn’t think so, screw em” or “if someone doesn’t appreciate you they suck/they’re the problem” or even just “you’re beautiful” because

Am I an uptight old woman for thinking 17 and 22 is a little creepy? Or is it ok because she's a model/maybe more mature from working and he's stuck in adolescence?

It’s always baffled me that in a country so focused on choice and independence, it’s very difficult to get the information and materials needed to end your life peacefully and on your terms, even if you have a terminal illness.

I was *just* thinking that.

Just wanted to say thank you for the sex worker correction!

Ah, two of the most adored excuses for cheating: people aren’t meant to be monogamous and that’s how they do it in France.

This is not shocking to me sat all. I did rape crisis advocacy for 8 years in a large Midwestern city (I’d meet with the victim/survivor at the hospital) and 9 out of 10 times the cops would try to find any answer other than the person was raped. According to the cops I had to deal with, here are people who cannot be

I know it's a different brand but you know what I wish they'd bring back? Pudding Pops. Those were the best.

That photo *should* be an embarrassment. It’s nylon rope and an amateur hour attempt at bondage. Yick.

But it’s not about getting laid. It’s about the power play of weilding power over a subordinate; of making someone feel embarassed and small and like they owe him sex out of “loyalty” and/or fear.

There are two groups of dead women whose deaths rarely get mainstream media coverage and, if they do, it tends to lean towards derision and erasing of their personhood: trans women (esp. trans women of color) and sex workers.

The issue with all the “it would be ok if men had their own space” or “oh those meanie feminists only like separation if it ‘benefits’ them” is that every space is already a de facto (white) male space, especially after dark.

The Bible codifies marital rape, stoning, slavery and domestic violence - and that’s a short list of the horrendous things the Bible says are A-ok. Shall we get rid of Christianity, too? Or should we continue to recognize that there are fundamentalists like the KKK who take it at face value and thus find that having a

It was less a defense of Paul and more a what the hell is up with Terry’s obsession with Paul’s weight.

Juvaderm is the fountain of youth. It took a few years off my face and but also no one could tell I had anything done until I reminded them what I looked like before. Light Botox in key places is helpful, too.

I totally agree on both your post and on what I am assuming is affection for nachos.

That title is truly awful. And why did they need a totally different show? Couldn’t they have just changed it up for the next season a la the ever changing format of Millionaire Matchmaker (R.I.P.).

Niala’s last name is actually Mohammad, which probably flagged her as Muslim to the flight attendant.