Inara Serra

Yiiiiikes. Oh, Michelle Pugh, never give interviews to the press about heartbreak when you are not the most famous one/most sympathetic party and especially when the incident was too recent for you to have perspective and not sound like a lunatic (see: Kim Gordon’s memoir).

I’ve been dumped for women like Harley - destructive but young and hot (hot because they’re destructive?); the most recent one describes herself as “cute but psycho” on social media - so often that just the ads are enough to send me into a shame spiral for not being hot or wild or fun. Like, my idea of a good time is

It would be awesome to see a more nuanced telling of sex worker stories but a) I don’t think that would give Soderbergh a boner so he’d probs pass b) I don’t think people would believe most of it as everyone knows we’re either traumatized daily or rich ice queens living our best lives c) It’d maybe add fuel to the

The one in the middle and the second from the left look like twins. And if I just glanced quickly at this, I would think it was all the same person.

Ughhh I’m sure there will be all kinds of garbage press comments about this. Way more than there have been about Trump Jrs big game hunting and sleazy tweets about strip clubs, his wife’s breasts, etc.

You should probably try reading the post before commenting. “A kind next door neighbor” doesn't say he's your boyfriend, spend holidays with you and get close to your family, say he's in love with you and wants to build a life with you, that you're the only romantic partner in his life and get upset when he thinks you


Yes! I understand the it’s like he died feeling very much. Except at times for me, it almost felt worse (I’m not saying it is actually worse than someone losing a loved one). My therapist said it was because dude got to keep on keepin on with his status quo while I had to do the work of being in “the muck”. We end up

I am so, so sorry that this happened to you. I’ve been through similar things. A friend dated someone long distance for six years before she found out he was married and had 4 year old twins (yeah, do the math on that one....). Once when she was on a streak of accusing him of being married, he waited for the fam to go

Yes! Was going to make the Lemonade suggestion too!

That Boscia mask is the business !

Yes x 1000. I read that and a few others on ASPD and NPD and they were immensely helpful. While I don't feel bad for her necessarily, I do have some empathy for Melania. Hers is likely a special, very gilded version of hell.

Ding ding ding. I dated one of those and the similarities between him and Trump are chilling. When I found hard, written out evidence that he cheated, he kept denying it and saying I was so “psycho” that I couldn’t process information correctly.

Obama’s just all around hot. Tall and in shape with a genuine smile and a dry wit- who wouldn’t want to hit that?

Mmmmm.....I dunno. If a 2-D video game meant never feeling shame, not good enough, lonely, etc. I’m pretty sure I’d take it!

This. Man. Is. Trash.

I mean, he's just speaking his mind because he's a rebel, Dottie, and refuses not to let the Washington machine quiet his truths!

Maybe if she’s worried about the little boys of our nation, she could focus some energy on the fact that Black boys don’t get to grow up seeing cops as Officer Friendly the way white boys do and that they can get murdered for playing in a park or walking with some candy or really just existing. Just a thought.

Yessssss. I dated someone for a year and a half who is on the NPD and ASPD spectrums - the ways Trump’s behavior mirrors his is eerie sometimes - and once we broke up and it became obvious what his deal was, I was pretty envious of him. He never feels guilt, loss, self hated, inadequacy, lonely, not good enough, fear,