Inara Serra

I’m in Chicago, but I’ve heard this is status quo here, L.A., DC and New York. I’m sure in more places too, but those are just the cities that tend to chime in and say they’ve had similar experiences. I’ve heard things are better in the Bay Area, but the cost of living there and a few other reasons would make it

Yeah, it was all people I met online. I do sometimes think the Internet has changed things in terms of men feeling like they have unlimited options and that for sure the next 21 year old they message will want to settle down with him so he better not waste his time with a dinosaur who is only ten years younger than

Yeah. I thought for a while it was me - like, that's a high number, am I just picking wrong or something? But when I've posted about this before (maybe too much) other women have responded saying they've dealt with it from multiple dudes too. Ugh ugh.

Yepppppp. Their greatest hits:

So, so serious.

You’re probably right. According to the 7 different men, ages 38-57, I went on dates with this year who told me that at 34 (now 35...ugh) I am ok to sleep with but too old to actually date, women over 30 are expired. As one put it “women age like milk, men age like scotch.”

I am 100% for tighter gun control. Like, as tight as possible. But how are they going to define “terrorist” in terms who can or can’t get a gun? Is it going to be restricted to the no-fly list or are their other conditions?

Yes. I’m also told - and please correct me if I’m wrong - that there is ammunition called “zombie rounds” that explodes so much on impact that it guaranteed to kill no matter where it hits. I was informed of this by a man who owns a collection of automatic rifles, which I’m sure are very necessary in the retirement

Also bae-est President ever. In Michelle’s conversation with Oprah at the summit, she said when her husband walks off Air Force One he’s “swagalicious”. She's not wrong.

And - and! - then he gave a speech at the United State of Women Summit where he called himself a feminist, quoted Shirley Chisholm and talked about the insane double standard women and girls of color face on regard to assertion, being called “angry”, etc!! And slut shaming was in there too! Senior Year Obama has HAD

So many things keep going through my head about misogyny and domestic terrorism and race and guns and wash, rinse, repeat.

If only more parents were having that conversation with their sons.

There are. They are called babyfur.

Yes to all of this. I saw her on the first night in Chicago and though I’ve seen her - and been moved by her -before , this tour felt different. Maybe it was because it started raining in the middle of the show which made her have to change choreo and wipe makeup out of her eyes as she sang, but it felt so very

93.1 XRT, a radio station in Chicago, did a thing celebrating Depp’s birthday today and fire damn near shot out my eyes. In the last two weeks 24 women in the U.S. were killed by a current or former intimate partner or someone who wanted to date them, but DV is nbd and surely must always be made up. Every time people

As someone who recently had her first dose of Botox around my mouth, I can be almost 100% positive she had it too. And also maybe her nasal labial folds filled in.

I got into a heated argument yesterday about situations like these. I was telling a male acquaintance about an idiot I dated who said if his 15 year old daughter was dating a man in his 30s he’d try to give the guy a chance because he’s “open minded” (that was the last time I saw that dude, obvs). That led male

His arguments are no different from the same old tired “helpful” and “thoughtful” lines people who have no connection to sex work like to trot out. Putting on my resident crabby ass sex worker pants now.

A friend was murdered a few years ago, and a neighbor heard her body being thrown into the wall. Since she’d just moved in, he thought it was her moving boxes/furniture.