Inara Serra

I think it can go both ways. One can hire a housecleaner and be glad to have a professional doing their cleaning, pay a fair wage and a tip, see them as an equal, etc. or one can hire a housecleaner and demean them, try to haggle for a lower rate, push their boundaries (if the service says they don’t do ceiling fans,

That looks awesome! Nice work.

I do think what we do has value for some people as much as anything that brings convenience and joy to people has value, I guess. It’s something I hear from clients frequently but eh....I try not to put too much stock into it. But I doubt the group you’re talking about would see us as having value to them in any real

Oh I am very serious. If you read through the comments on some of the articles about online dating or about men dating much younger women, you will see that I am not alone. It seems that 30 -sometimes 35 if they are being generous - is the expiration date for women in the eyes of a lot of single, looking for a

Sex trafficking does happen, but not nearly at the rates that are reported which has the unfortunate effect of obscuring those who really need help. Trafficking is much more common in farm and domestic labor - where women are also assaulted - but those aren’t as flashy as sex trafficking.

There’s no one definition for real and twue feminism, so I can’t really answer that. But if you’re asking if hiring a sex worker is inherently misogynist, I’d say no. Some ways it can become that way (other than the obvious ones like violence, calling her degrading names, etc.):

I think men who commit violence do so because of a whole host of reasons but I don’t think lack of affection/touch as an adult is one of them. Plenty of people don’t have romantic/sexual relationships in adulthood. Those who turn violent because of it do so because they refuse to self-reflect and see what they could

This is The Nicest. Thank you.

Nope and nope. It’s a little eye opening to see how many men cheat, so that’s made me have more open conversations with partners about the realities of long term monogamy, but I don’t think that is necessarily a bad thing. If anything I’d say that makes me connect more to the men I’ve dated, not less.

Um, what?

Right. Most of that was sass/snark in that it didn’t sound like they had introduced a character with actual feelings/struggles (insert lawyer joke here) but more a character that makes people either feel comfortable hating her or comfortable with the industry because look, ma, no feelings! I think maybe it’s easier to

I’m a sex worker who has the same educational background as the character in this show. Much like I can’t watch Law and Order without being highly annoyed at the inconsistencies, I will probably avoid watching The Girlfriend Experience. I am a little curious, though, to see how they depict the similarities between the

Yes, yes they do (although I've only seen it with men over 50 who have age perimeters of 18-25ish). And it is indeed amazing. We’ve got to spend all kinds of money/time on our appearance and having all their own teeth and hair is the only bar they feel they must reach to date women young enough to be their

As someone who was recently told by a 57 year old that, while he liked me, he just couldn’t get over how old (34 soon to be 35) I was, I will take close over “20s only”.

I’m sort of heartened to see men looking for women close to their age. It makes me curious as if something has changed since then that has made men only want young girls.

Girl yes, I am in that club but am finding that at 35, I am now too old for most of the older men I’m attracted to. If you’re in your 20s, best get it while the gettin’s good!

I’ve been in the industry for a long time, and I do think convenience is an underlying reason for most men. In addition the kinds of clients another lady already listed, I’d like to add these dudes:

I grew up eating banana and butter on white bread (Nola represent!) and it’s delicious. That mayo though....

Two things:

Ughhh yeah sorry. I posted right before bed and didn't want to sound like a copycat and yet.....