Inara Serra

“And good looks isn’t all it takes”.

Yep. Or in a follow up “I had a great time with you, but....” note.

You entirely missed the point of my post. Which, considering the amount of weight you seem to put on the cultural impact of “Call Me Maybe” and the fact that you think doing coke in a bathroom is still a status symbol (vom) I’m not surprised.

The grossest part of everything you’ve said in this thread is that there are other deluded, toddler men who agree with you.

If you think that the biggest issue around these topics is you having your tender little man fee-fee’s hurt and men being “profiled” then you are 100% part of the problem. Can’t men like you just be thankful that you don’t have to worry about your safety every time you’re walking alone at night, make a complaint at

Gee, with your condescension, block headedness, dismissive attitude and not all men nonsense, I can't imagine why a woman has never opened up to you about her experiences. Surely it must be because it never or rarely happens. Surely.

I thought there was something wrong with me for not liking this show. Phew!

This. So much this. It never gets talked about in mainstream press. And even if it did......can you imagine a dark skinned black woman talking about that the way Amy Schumer talks about her weight? “Angry black woman” would get slapped on her so fast.

Yessssssss. I would watch the grunion run with him any day of the week.

All of this feels so true. I’m 34 and really ready to get married. I like all kinds of men looks wise and don’t need someone rich; I just don’t want to have to support them. I’d also like someone my age or older ( but ideally not over 55).

This is every man I’ve ever dated (and most have subsequently left me because I wasn’t “broken” enough which...I’m pretty busted, so....). I think he left out the “young” before women and the qualifier that “fixing” the broken not require anything from him other than his wallet and his dick.

Lady Gaga totally helped bring him back into the spotlight. But clearly she’s totally a hero to survivors for writing a song that gives her cred and an Oscar nomination.

Right, but I haven’t seen anyone writing about that in conjunction with this song and all the positive publicity it's garnered.

In the comments or an actual article that goes into it instead of praising her and acting like she's doing some brave, charitable thing?

Re: the Lady Gaga song, can the fact that she wrote a rapey song with a rapist (R.Kelly) and made a video for said song with another rapist (Terry Richardson) get some press now, please?

*Spoiler Alert* *Extremely Long Post Alert*

As a single 34 year old woman living in a big city, I call bullshit on this so hard. I would love to get married and have wanted that for some time. I want to create a home, equal partnership and life with someone.

I was so excited for this line, but pretty disappointed with the final products. Not super into all the built in chokers and maybe it’s just the way they were photographed, but none of the fabrics looked luxe to me. They look....flammable.

Ick. That is so, so white. I'm thrilled to see Anomalisa only got one nomination though. That was the most garbage, misogynist trash film I've seen in a long time. And I saw 50 Shades (I had to for work).

My rapist, pet murdering ex killed himself after stalking me for seven years and getting arrested for beating another of his exes.