Inara Serra

That’s exactly what I was thinking when they showed Claire Danes. She totally had white guilt face: “I mean, *I’m* not racist. There’s roles! Everyone loves Scandal!!!! It’s not my fault!!”.

As the aunt of a dark skinned niece who, at 8 months old, has already had outrageously racist things said about her, I am so happy to see Viola Davis win. I am happy to see Viola Davis on tv, period. The scene where she took off her wig/makeup was historic. My niece is a happy, curious, stubborn, affectionate

I was coming here to say the exact same thing! And it was a really rape-y song. I was pretty stunned when I saw The Hunting Ground and emailed them directly as well as left a comment on their IG account.

I think, in terms of longevity, attraction to someone’s face/body just isn’t that key. There’s a difference between looking at someone and thinking “I want to bone because whatever I’m looking at it pushing a chemical button for me” and “I want to bone because you’re *you*”. Or even “because you’re fun in bed”.

Thank you. I am lucky in that I was able to get some really useful therapy. I hope you're ok, too.

OMG so many autocorrect errors. Sorry!

Nope. She posted something's not her Facebook page about how mad she was over the Damon Wayans comments. Women being raped is an outrage but being a sex worker means you are no longer a person so...

This is going to be triggery and maybe TMI but:

I get what people are saying about feeling she can’t say she’s fat, but who knows what kind of external reinforcements she’s had (beyond standard media crap). I’m 5’5 and 135lbs. I wear a 4/6. I’ve been called big, round, thick and a small BBW by any variety of men *and* women. Enough of that will lead you down the

I was sort of on board with the “Yeah, it’s privileged and annoying but I don’t get the strong dislike directed at her/them”. Then I read this on their “donate” page:

I totally get the shame that comes with rejection. I don’t even want to try dating because I know they will see the things he saw in me that made him leave. It’s another reason why I don’t want to see my friends; my embarrassment over whatever it was that he didn’t love anymore.

I so feel you on this. My relationship of two years ended at the end of June and I feel totally wrecked. I avoid my friends because I can’t pretend to be happy, but I also don’t want to sound like an obsessed broken record. I hate all the cliche, meme talk about choosing your own happiness and be thankful! and things

But it’s only been three. #4 was also #2. She got pregnant with #3’s kids while married to #1, left 1 for 2 (who adopted her kids), left 2 for 3 and then went back to 2. #sanctityofmarriage

That’s the perfect bachelor party question and a great answer. Good for them for overcoming their adversity! #lovewins

I whole heartedly agree. I (very, very briefly) dated someone who was 9 inches in length and 5 inches around and his bed looked like a murder scene after the first time we slept together. My body does not like that much material. He told me that he’d never really had anyone fuck him with gusto because of his size (sad

By positioning yourself as knowing more about the industry than the women themselves (of whom the author is one) and discrediting what workers’ hold out to be the case for them, you are saying that our voices are, at the very least, less credible and less valuable than yours.

I do agree that some abusive men flock to sex workers, but in my experience it’s because we’re easy targets (and the more marginalized the person, the easier the target), not because sex is commodified. They have a lot to hold over us in that we are scared to go to the police - and again, the less privilege the

Her paternity situation reads like an LSAT problem. So she had an affair with #3 while married to #1 and got pregnant but married #2 instead, and #2 adopted her kids but then they divorced and she went back to #3? And all of this happened in a shortish amount of time?

I completely agree that media stories on sex work are usually from privileged voices or are pieces that conflate trafficking (rape) with sex work. There are so many facets of this industry and lots of grey areas and experiences to be explored and talked about, and yet it usually is the same thing. The thing I’ve

I didn’t start out in such a privileged place. I started out working for an agency and didn’t get to pick my clients and had some pretty scary, and one extremely violent, experiences. And that experience is true for some workers, just like my experience now is true for plenty of women, too. I don’t think affordability