I was more referring to many of the comments than to the post itself.
I was more referring to many of the comments than to the post itself.
What kind of leftist would support Clinton? What leftist policies would ever come to pass under a Clinton presidency?
Oh, so you promise to not do something you already don’t do. Great!
I’m not in a position to make that deal. I’ll be interested to see if you stick to it once that happens, though!
I’m well aware that more of Sanders’ supporters say they will support Clinton in the general election than Clinton’s supporters said they would support Obama in the general election this time eight years ago. But did Obama’s supporters mock the actual physical appearances of Clinton’s supporters? Does something stand…
Most people won’t, though. What about the rest?
[Fucking Kinja.]
That’s what I keep saying about people complaining about Bernie Bros and deciding to back Clinton. Good to see we agree!
You’re coming up with new reasons you picked one candidate over the other and that’s great, but for now, I’d like to concentrate on the ones you already mentioned before moving on.
How effective do you figure that constantly making fun of Sanders’ supporters is going to be as a strategy for getting them to want to vote for Clinton by the time the general election comes around?
Incrementalism sounds great to people who are already personally comfortable.
Which votes make you like Clinton more than Sanders? Was it the one about going to Iraq? The USA PATRIOT Act? The $700 billion bailout program? The one about building a fence on the border with Mexico?
Yes, lobster was cheap. What’s your point?
What? Can you point to where I’ve made that argument?
Can you point to where anyone said lobster isn’t cheap?
“Nothing is the same as it used to be” is a statement that is as utterly meaningless as it is true.
Do you genuinely not understand the difference between inflation and changing tastes? Hamburger did not go from being seen as disgusting prison food to being seen as fancy chartered airplane food. Lobster did.
If you think lobster is fancy, you’ve been duped.
The pacing of the matches in the games has always been terrible and will continue to be terrible as long as the player is competing against the computer or another player. The pacing of good wrestling matches is good because it’s deliberate and cooperative. If a game allowed one player to call spots and both to carry…
What? What does that have to do with video games?