Inanimate Carbon Rod 2020

My exact comment. 


This could be a reality show. “Cabin Kings” maybe? 

Eeeesh, sorry to hear about your local community. It’s really telling to me that the cops have mostly kept quiet about the alt-right groups for a long time, but suddenly Antifa’s coming and they’re a major threat.

HOLY SHIT I forgot to add one of the most important parts of the story: this happened in the Forks area, AKA vampire pilgrimage country. Thousands of tourists flock there every year. They might be yokels but they’ve definitely seen out-of-towners before, even those of the “multiracial” variety. This is the product of

The investigation is ongoing, but it’s a small community and presuming the store has camera surveillance, I don’t see what the hold up is.

I mean, I *do* see what the holdup is, it just has nothing to do with lack of evidence most likely.

To elaborate on that last bullet point: a multiracial family was buying camping supplies when they claim they were approached by a bunch of yokels accusing them of being Antifa. They were then followed out of the gas station parking lot, and later returned to the road to find said yokels had dropped trees in the road,

So weird that these self-serving douche bags don’t have society’s best interests in mind during a period of social upheaval. 

Their brains don’t work that way. Scratch that, their brains don’t work.

You’re suggesting with a straight face that this was that pig’s first instance of showing his true colors?

Yeah, I couldn’t care less about your personal history. Not all cops are evil, but you don’t get to pretend like all cops are normal, either. 

Not as classy as defending someone who sat beside a fucking murderer and did nothing until she had no choice. Go kick rocks.

“I can’t take this anymore, Derek. I mean, 17 complaints against you is forgivable...but 18!”

Fuck her. I hope she gets as much shit over this as he does. And don’t even try to suggest she was the victim of abuse. She married a cop. That’s like marrying a tarantula and then complaining about how it bites all the time.

Provoked or not, I still suspect fowl play.

Yep, came here to say this and feel validated that someone beat me to it.

A few years ago, a guy who worked for my then-company got drunk during happy hour karaoke and sang “Goodbye Horses,” complete with the Buffalo Bill dance (he kept his clothes on). Don’t even recall the guy’s name, but it was about three minutes I don’t think I’ll ever forget.

Or that “all lives matter”...

Unfortunately, I have social media contact with a fair number of conservatives/Trump supporters, and believe me, they are just as willing to write off their sick and deceased fellow citizens as the Trumps are. A lot of them probably won’t believe in the disease until they or someone they truly care about are hooked up

Alright, here’s a link to answer your easily researchable question. Then I’m done. Life’s too short to spend explaining the world to idiots like you.

Yeah, like I said...deflection. I wasn’t refuting Perez said it, and you’re clearly delusional if you think ABC News or Vanity Fair are unbiased publications (spoiler: a news source can be biased left or right).