Inane Clown Person

It could be interesting from a business perspective though. What better way to tap a market that otherwise hates “elitists” and the luxury product you sell than to become that target audience’s god? After this is all said and done, his hotels will still get business and any yokel who voted for him will save up to stay


#ThatsAPimple #ad

It’ll take more than a second loss to end the Panthers’ perfect season.

So in this metaphor Dooku has to be Tim Duncan, right? Wily veteran who somehow beats the young star despite seeming way too old to do so. It’s all there.

To be fair, no one ever does.

To be fair, we all knew ODB was an old dirty bastard

In fairness, I think Hamilton’s problem was too many duels.

Just fire Pettine and Farmer already. At this point I’d sell my soul to the devil in some kind of golden fiddle/dusty crossroads type deal for nothing more than a coach with an ounce of charisma. He doesn’t even have to know what he’s doing. Fuck, hire Greg Popovich and watch him sign 15 fundamentally sound NBA Euro

That would require Trump to acknowledge that something good exists outside of America.

Be warned, based on extensive drunk Madden experience, I can tell you the 11-man blitz works exactly once per game. Bust out a field goal block on a goal line run and hope that your friend/opposing coach is too drunk to notice.

I mean, look at how he’s dressed on the sideline

That has to be the nerdiest and most fitting mascot choice in history


IMO, Manziel could be drunk on the field as long as he plays well, but after watching Austin Davis last night I want to see more from him. Between last night and the Rams last year he’s got a 13-9 TD/Int, which isn’t terrible, considering it was essentially his rookie year.

Is there ever an exception to the “no money in the air” rule? At the busy college bars I go to, an elbow on the bar with cash in hand is typically how I do things. Bartenders generally seem fine with it, and tend to get to me quickly.

Oh my.

That’s exactly what a bot would say...

The Browns are the organizational equivalent of Groundhog Day, but, like, a remake where everyone has a bad case of untreated syphilis and it never, ever ends.

Not to mention that Point Lookout (Bethesda, not Obsidian, but still) had an amazing bombed-out swamp atmosphere, and they didn’t even have all the culture of New Orleans to work with. I would throw money at a Fallout: NOLA.