Inane Clown Person

Nothing good comes from trying to get your rocks off

In fairness, they’re not really paying for him in the long term. It’s more like a playoff run rental. Still way cool though, and I’m thrilled they’re making moves.

So they’re the NBA equivalent of the Cleveland Browns?

Legally, it makes all the difference. Not having money to pay the prostitute you just killed implies premeditation. If he had money, you could make a case that it was a crime of passion/argument over money situation which would likely come with a lesser sentence.

Yes, he is actually wrong.

+1 unincorporated territory

Jacksonville is actually huge... I think it’s the biggest city by area in the US. Which just doesn’t seem right, because its Jacksonville.

Looks like that third wish finally paid off!

I know nothing about anything and I’m just spitballing, but could the Pluto/Charon binary system cause a tidal heating effect like the gas giants have on their moons? As a moon alone Charon isn’t big enough to heat Pluto, but what if their orbit around each other provides the additional energy to make up the

It won’t last. At this point in the 2012 campaign, this guy was the GOP frontrunner.

Sharks never wrote embarrassing notes in my sack lunch.

The Gentleman’s Game

But how far can he punt a football?

The kids witnessed their dad beating their mom. What more reason do you need?

What a dick.

Spot on. The memory of my dad giving me the “hey buddy” talk is still burned into my brain to this day.

More like Mixtaps Poorzingis if you ask me.

So its the MLS?

Damn you and your apt-ass name

Have you tried checking the oil? I bet it needs oil.