
America's Next Top

Yeah, grammatically unclear on my part

No, I said that myself this isn't the first time they've tried. This is the first time they've *succeeded* against a major player like this.

These things can easily happen (and have but not as successfully) to other outlets, like Mother Jones. Thiel was lucky that his vendetta was against a vile publication like Gawker. But now it's been proven this works.

I'd say 95% of games have no one speaking in the voice channel at all and the emotes/character lines are good enough for most basic coordination.

It can be good on Control maps, you can keep on the point and be really slippery and hard to hit on the walls.

Politics are bad and we should feel bad.

But I assume you're not going around belittling people for not wanting to vote for her or even criticizing her, right? It's basically like the way the same way some treat Britney Spears or Beyonce, but with Clinton that I'm more referring to being bizarre

Like 80% of the white gay men I know are ardent Hillary supporters. It's the most bizarre thing I've seen.

The concept behind Jean/Phoenix was good. Everything else tho…

There were plenty of complaints about the episode "Mhysa" and there've been only 12 hours since this episode.

Mutants would especially make a huge mess out of the whole plot of Civil War

Act II in Diablo III. Nothing but caves and big open sand areas with some of the most annoying enemies to fight.

Tone and atmosphere are a big part of that too. The Division's setting feels like it's meant to be a more serious, gritty, realistic world (even though you have bullet sponge enemies and randomized loot stats). It's a big disconnect.

Hey, Savage Love is *that* way.

But this time it'll have Dan Aykroyd being mistaken for Bill Murray

Ugh yeah, I really don't want to see people treat PTSD like some quirk the way they do with OCD.

Bob could have lay on the stage motionless and still deserve to win with Derrick's performance in the challenge

If you come here for serious journalism, that says much more about you than they

Those gags were great! But the smugness and the complete missing of the point of the "controversy" (particularly when it wasn't really a controversy?) dragged it down to feel like pettiness for no reason