Hey Scottie, STFU.
Hey Scottie, STFU.
Based on the headline, I thought a couple containing Rihanna was being denied entry because security knew who A$AP Rocky was, and I was kind of okay with that.
1) He ain’t wrong about Jay-Z, he was at the right place at he right time. Biggies death left a void and he was the best at that time. The greatest wouldn’t have been ethered like he was.
Fuck this rapist trash.
This seems like a guy who needs an ass-whupping.
The Snowflake Protection Act
Yeah, it’s almost like these guys have no idea what they’re doing.
Automakers do plenty of studies showing what cars their customers are coming from. They know whether or not this is the case on a large scale. There are so many more automakers now compared to 50 years ago that people are less reluctant to jump from brand to brand.
You’d think a legislator involved in making laws about distracted driving would be familiar with a least some of the abundant scientific literature showing that people who think they’re multitasking are in fact doing two or more things less well than they’d do only one and that “I wasn’t distracted” is almost never,…
This is the very low bar we now have set when you can actually state of an elected official, “well at least he had his pants on.”
I can see how Peloton has a design flaw as the tread wraps all the way to the bottom without a guard rail like a tank tread as opposed to other treadmills quickly wrap around. If I fall back which has happened, I could get my foot caught and get sucked in.
Damn I guess I have an evil twin who wrote all these positive smartwatch reviews this past year. Here I was thinking I rarely write overtly negative reviews.
i wish i had never read this not because he’s some idol to me but the fetihization is just gross and brenda song is awesome.
she’s getting attacked like crazy. i think it’s because she rightfully named seth rogen as being complicit and everyone loves seth rogen so she’s getting shit on big time.
Nope, it’s the Beatles by a mile, all day every day.
Proving ‘specialists’ they are wrong, and doing a better job at it, is what he does.
80's...Alfa...That briefcase is full of coke, cash and a Beretta
The reason we keep wearing masks is as psychological as it is scientific. There are still a LOT of people that aren’t vaccinated, if everyone that gets vaccinated just stop all the mitigation, then everyone starts to assume it’s over and that it’s safe for EVERYONE to not wear masks and social distance or they get mad…
I mean this extremely sincerely, this isn’t an insult: if you don’t think you will ever eat in a restaurant again, you should talk to a therapist. That is not a healthy reaction at all.
I would never use pretentious to describe TMG. If anything this is a band that is overly earnest. Are there occasionally overly literary moments or song that contain extremely niche references? Of course, but they are exactly who they say they are even if that isn’t to your taste.