Bingo, our “strong economy” is largely an illusion built on cherry-picked data
Bingo, our “strong economy” is largely an illusion built on cherry-picked data
It is a reality, maybe some people are just ignorant about it? Maybe they don’t understand how anything even vaguely sexual arouses a boy (heck probably most men)? I’ve met a “artful nude” model that become very resented when I mentioned there are probably men that masturbate to her art (or even completely tame…
Props to Ibraheem Samirah. He’s my delegate, glad I voted for him
I never said there was... I was commenting on “In-A-Mazda-Da-Vida”’s entry regarding people copywriting what seems to be (from the outside) trivial items.. And my point is we (when properly done) are required to give credit/reference to source material under normal (academic) purposes..... So if its so “trivial” then…
They didn’t just change the lyrics to a Marvin Gaye song, the melody is not the same. Sounding a lot like a song is not the same thing as being the same song
Stop. Thicke and Pharrell got caught driving around in Marvin Gaye’s car. There’s no way you could have heard the Marvin song and the Thicke song andnot instantly think of the Marvin song.
You know something can be no one’s fault right?
As copyright has been traditionally understood you can copyright lyrics and you can copyright a melody. You can’t copyright a drum beat or a rhythm. The “stomp-stomp-clap” from “We Will Rock You” is just a rhythm performed in a certain way. So no, you should be completely fine to copy the “stomp-stomp-clap” as long as…
Appropriation is bullshit and should be called out, and I’m hardly inclined to defend someone like Dr. Luke or Katy Perry, but some of these recent copyright rulings are basically pushing the idea that someone can own very basic, simply music ideas and styles that aren’t at all creatively unique.
People read the word “sidewalk” and interpreted it to mean what it actually means and not the completely different thing you were imagining? You don’t say?
Yeah, this is more of an informative pamphlet situation
Convenience. Isn’t that obvious?
What’s just and what’s legal aren’t always the same thing. Just FYI
Being unjustly fired is not an “insignificant blip”. Never-mind the stress of suddenly finding yourself without a job, even a few days of missed wages can could be a huge disruption for the many millions of people in this country living paycheck-to-paycheck without savings
This country isn’t becoming a police state, people who aren’t brown are just becoming more aware that it is a police state since there are more cameras everywhere. Trust me, black and Hispanic Americans have been well aware already
Even if he was fired he’d just end up at another department a county over
I get what you’re saying perfectly, but what you’re saying is patronizing and dismissive. The clear racial undertones of this incident have been explained to you multiple times, you’ve just chosen to dismiss those explanations as irrelevant cause they jibe with your view
I’m just saying the bar needs to be set higher than “something bad happened to a black woman so clearly racism is the motive”.
I think people are objecting to the politicization of the military and this event in general, displays of military force in the name of jingoism, and the sense that Trump is using a national holiday to celebrate himself, basically turning it into another political rally. There’s a reason other Presidents have avoided…
You can’t negotiate with an opposition who’s most defining identity is their complete refusal to negotiate with you. Obama’s presidency definitely had issues, but I can’t really criticize him for that