
But what you can’t do is chastise her for actions she is making amends for.

This pisses me off. The legitimacy of someone’s existence as a human being isn’t like deciding whether or not you’re gonna eat shellfish or observe the sabbath. You don’t have to respect anyone who “disagrees” with homosexuality for “Biblical” reasons any more than you should respect someone who disagrees with the

The Bucks lost in the Finals the year Jabbar left

He’s been doing this for years, he’s a serious creep. Hopefully he finally sees some real consequences 

Someone with an undetectable viral load cannot transmit HIV sexually. So your friend is mistaken if that’s what they mean. Multiple studies have confirmed this. I’m not 100% on whether that hold for blood transfer though. I would assume it hold true, since the viral load in the blood would be zero, but maybe someone

Russell’s an RFA

I hate Ted Cruz but this is actually funny 

Yeah I’m gonna say this blog is a swing and a miss 

I don’t think I ever would have admitted this

South of Portland too I believe

Pretending dumb ideas are smart ideas helps no one. Also, our society isn’t more violent than it was in the past, violent crime has dropped generally. Baltimore specifically has many problems that are gonna require a complex solution, not some nonsense.

I figured there was probably something like that going on. You occasionally hear of stories where kids get named in lawsuits and someone tries to frame it as an adult being malicious and going after a child, but often there are legit legal reasons a child needs to be named, like that story a few years ago about the

Sounds like something someone’s drunk uncle would propose, talking about how real they were back in the day 

Since you used the word “literally” I feel I’m free to be pedantic and point out that the House has the sole power of impeachment of the President. I know you actually mean removal from office, which would only occur if the Senate then convicted him after holding a trial, but that’s clearly not what Lichtman is

Oh if Trump had inherited power in a country like North Korea he’d absolutely be one of the most bloody, petty dictators in history. He also wouldn’t have any moral qualms about genocide if he had a military that would follow him down that path.

Innocent people have been accused of sexual assault and taken their lives though.


100% he’ll be working at another department a week after he’s gone from this one. Well, maybe not a week, he might take a nice long vacation before he starts. 

Sexual harrasment is not always illegal, especially if you're not dealing with people in the workplace, and much that is illegal is a civil offense rather than a criminal offense, so it’s often not something you can be arrested for. As for whether something non-violent is worth throwing someone off a plane, I think it

Actually schools are starting to drop testing requirements, including some elite schools, as studies have found that they’re not the best indicator for success