
Awesome post, I really enjoyed the read-up. Your experiences have been much the same as mine; a few thoughts...

Finally got ‘em.

“Whatever we do, we’re going to do 100 (wait what’s 52/53?) Whatever we do, we’re going to do 98 percent.”

Why don’t we name hurricanes something scary like:

Small correction, easy mistake to make, tiny thing, completely understandable:

You’d think they’d be opposed to participation trophies, but here we are.

I’d like to hear more about these ocean-going tortoises.

He was Loki the car wasn’t too damaged.

I’m afraid you’ll have to wait for the Model ARRR to get that feature.

That is cause he didn’t go against me. I can solve a cube in about 45 days.

As my mom often tells me, while it’s great that the value of your house in increasing, most people aren’t looking to buy and sell their house every year. They’d most likely rather pay lower property taxes in exchange for a slightly lower property value.

Yeah, but you only realize that increase in value if you sell the house. Until then, it’s just a bigger bill.

What is it with vehicles in Waco driving through walls?

There’s a vas deferens between penis and testicle jokes.

You need a toe? Hell, I can get you a toe by 3 o’clock this afternoon.... With nail polish.

As we say around here:

Alright, you had to expect this was coming: what about the other 0.18%?