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Potter was famous for his disregard for basic safety features

Potter’s family is really regretting the decision not to stage an intervention before he hit rock bottom.

What’s not to love? Vampires. Kate Beckinsale in leather. Werewolves. Kate Beckinsale in leather. Fight scenes. Kate Beckinsale in leather. And finally, Kate Beckinsale in leather.

"I'm trying to get you dumb bastards into space before you all destroy yourselves and the planet. Make babies on your own time. Aw Christ, hand me that lazer this James Bond f*cker is at the front door again."

“How about we wait for her to have a meltdown and then she is crying and tries to scratch — and then you’ll want to help her.”

The smirk on Sansa’s face when he’s told he is no longer the only Bolton heir kinda make up a little bit up for it.

"Packers win the Super Bowl, woooo!"

Am I doing this wrong?

T-14? How is this Russia’s best tank? The T-72 is at least (pulls out calculator because he can’t do maths in his head anymore) 58 better.

Let me give you some advice: you do you. Include the people important to you and don’t listen to internet strangers. (Like me?!) I had 6 maids and it was just fine. A few people have made comments over the years, generally people who weren’t at the wedding. But here’s the thing: 3 were my sisters and 3 were my bffs.

I will hold a thousand exhibits in solidarity with the Charlie Hebdo editorial staff.

did you feel the same way when you saw the Snow Troopers in Empire the first time, or the one on Endor in Jedi?

This is not an image captured before 1930. Rather it looks 1940s-ish. The hairstyle is wrong, the makeup, the dress, all impossible for someone whose birth/death dates are 1838-1914. I know that’s the image that comes up with a google image, but it can’t be the inventor. I wonder who this is, really?

“...who suspiciously resembles a Bond girl.”

That is an Emperor Scorpion though. They’re practically harmless! They’re super mellow and their sting is, at worst, a bee sting (which, I mean if you’re allergic is actually really deadly, but you get my point).

And he’s cute! He wants to cuddle! Well he sort of wants to cuddle. He... doesn’t want to cuddle, but still!

I feel the poster needs more dramatic tension

I don't even know why Portugal tries to invade countries anymore. Give it up guys, you had your day in the sun.