
Flicked? I thought it was flipped, have I been wrong this whole time?

Sooo, drugs?

I don’t think I have the funds to buy that many cars.

That’s from the Race of Champions, not a rally. To be pedantic. I guess it is Michele Mouton’s car though.

Yugoslavia wasn’t actually a part of the Soviet Union.

Slight correction, it’s ANA as in Afghan National Army

Must be a Swedish thing. Check out this Saab Roadster for the low low price of $450

Chad Kroeger, huh? I’m beginning to think this guy might not be legit.

I’m getting a strong Gear Krieg vibe, although there is only so much you can do with sticking legs to the side of a tank turret I guess

IIRC they are partnering with Eugen Systems to make it so I would expect it be be Wargame: Red Dragon with WWII stuff. Which means it will be absolutely awesome.

That is a Matra Murena. You might also like the earlier Bagheera which had a similar 3 seat interior as well.

They use to be part of the Treasury but not since the early 2000s

A free ride and free room and board for awhile? Talk about a lifehack.

Wow, 2002 was more 80s than I remember.

That guy thinks highly of himself. You’ve got to be pretty confident to put yourself next to Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle under the heading “great thinkers.”

Well, they made a good meme at least.

You will have black pleather and like it!

He’s certainly not using any of that money to pay a web designer, that’s for damn sure.

Um, it’s the Kardashian Union. Get it right. Gosh.

You put your finger on a random touchscreen in the subway? Is that safe?