
Mind if I ask which road this is? I want to say it is Golden Gate Canyon on the way to the Peak to Peak. Looking for new roads to explore this spring.

What about Paige?

Oh, you sweet summer child. Yes, it will be.

Too soon?

What’s wrong with Herford? It seems like a perfectly nice place

That’s an awesome response. Can I still really dislike her music though?

I’m pretty sure it just boiled down to rich guys not wanting to pay taxes.

I blithely skipped over that part until I saw your post. “What did I miss?”*Googles* “Oh, Goddammit.”

Alamogordo, New Mexico. Where all good things come from.

Zagato had little to do with the Alfa SZ, it was largely done in house by Alfa Romeo and then built by Zagato

No, no. A Bridge Too Far is about Operation Market Garden not concentration camps. Easy mistake to make though, I do it all the time.

Am I not supposed to think of Austin Powers?

The only upside of a Trump presidency would be reading descriptions of Trump for 4 years. Or rather, however long it took for everything to fall apart at least.

Scorpions have 8 legs though....

Well, the South was able to win that one war all by itself... Wait


I’m glad I’m not the only one who thought of ID4

You monster.

Are you a fan of Larry Niven’s Ringworld novels. If so, was it any inspiration at all?

this is still a relevant gif right?