
Look at those puppies over there...they’ll grow up and shit on my lawn. Look at that’s gonna cause skin cancer! This ice cold lemonade? It’s gonna leave that weird citrus-y film in my mouth.

Or he could have had a blast working on a Pokemon movie. Working on a collaboration with a team of talented artists from all over the world... or No he was the person who made artwork that landed on your video gaming news site and he should have made the movie all by himself.

I swear you people are so quick to hate on

Yet despite being OP as shit, still takes 4 of them to whack a treasure goblin to death before they pop into a portal... I mean seriously... what are they feeding those goblins.

There has to be some kind of alternate universe/timeline shenanigans going on here. Undyne has both eyes and has never met Alphys, Asriel is implied to be older than he was when he died in Undertale, Alphys thinks Mew Mew Kissy Cutie 2 is a vast improvement to the original... just too many little inconsistencies with

“Wow a new character with new moves?! F this! I’m getting the 2nd season pass for DBFZ so I can get 8 more gokus!

Taking the troll a little too personally when the roster contains over 70 OTHER fighters to choose from

cry more you big baby 

The only way a Cthulhu game would be good is if it was a roguelike. If each playthrough’s death/insanity added some horrible aspect to the game that might not be discovered for another twenty hours, it would add a great deal of horror to the game. That first character that picked up an important note before wandering

I’m more partial to “Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop, Won’t Stop, Gotta Make The Booty Drop”

Gay vampires, sucking more than just blood

Sorry, Brian, but that last image looks to be very much fucking around.

This is a bad take.  

What did the 3DS do to hurt you?

My wife worked at a GameStop for a couple years. She said it was pretty bad how hard they pushed stuff like preorders and memberships and bundles. She’s quite happy to not work there any more.

This seems like when I think I’m done with a console, so I start selling off all my games, and then I have no games, and then I sell the console, and then like six months later I’m like man I really want to play those games so I buy the console again and then buy all the games again.

The “Я” stands for “Яeanimated.”

Fuck yeah! Koroks! I hunted a good chunk of them because I wanted all the upgrades. Best choice ever. God... BotW is my most favourite Zelda game. I love thinking about the game.

Because America is weirdly puritannical when it comes to sex and sexuality. Violence? Good for children! A single butt cheek? Better slap an NC-17 rating on that baby.