Looks like a perfect spot to open a Farmer’s Market, maybe sell some locally grown cabbage.
Looks like a perfect spot to open a Farmer’s Market, maybe sell some locally grown cabbage.
Local multiplayer for Civ 6... someone is going to get a switch to the face because they got the Eiffel Tower before their friend...
My wife was washing dishes and I told her, “Oh crap, they’re bringing the original Katamari to Switch.” She immediately stopped and told me I have to get her her own Switch because she’s not going to be splitting time with me.
Ports on ports on ports.
Thank you SO much for turning this adorable news negative. I was afraid we might be able to just enjoy it.
This is quite groan inducing. Spider-Man helps Yuri, and by extension the NYPD, not the NYPD specifically, she is the only one he trusts, and likewise, and she is the only one he is truly attempting to help. Hell, several times during gameplay he remarks about leaving the scene before the police show up because he’s…
FWIW, the age of consent is 16 in 31 states, and 17 in eight. So as long as he’s not in one of the 11 other states, he didn’t break any laws. Though it does violate the 1/2 your age + 7 rule. And the “banging your girlfriend/wife’s younger sister” rule.
...this is another, squickier question added to an already squicky situation.
I’ve heard rumors for 2+ years that they were going to release an HD version of the original Animal Crossing, and I figured it was delayed for the Switch. Still no word. I’m fearful that they are just going to stick with the mobile app game, which I really don’t like playing. But I wonder if there’s more of an income…
If their partners are going to bitch about interrupted marketing plans in the face of a 6.7 earthquake, then their partners can go fuck themselves.
Well, Animal Crossing is first-party so we need to wait for the Direct.
Although this article missed that Nintendo accidentally spilled the Yoshi title yesterday too
Who am I kidding. It’s ass or nothing for Figma.
What happened? I was browsing Kotaku one moment and 5 minutes later I see an email by PayPal for an order from some Japanese company.
OHHH ok. I have never seen that as I do not think I have ever had that many palicos. That does sound pretty sad. Thanks capcom for making us feel like Aholes when there is no more room in the party lol.
I totally get the love for the newest game, but I still prefer God of War 2.
watch it in playground eh?
I think both series debuted before Coco, however..
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