
It looks like the boy gained detail, but the girl lost detail

This sounds like EA looked at Monster Hunter World, saw Kulve Taroth, and made BioWare do that, but with Anthem. But it also sounds like how the final boss of vanilla Destiny 1 felt.

I remember reading somewhere that the game isn’t actually a retelling of the anime, but a what if scenario (may have been this website, in fact!), so maybe they’re banning it to not spoil the “new” plot?

At first I saw this and thought “welp guess I shouldn’t make a 1-1 level” but I just wanted to be silly, not a sadist, so guess I’ll carry on?

I remember seeing it was something along the lines of the characters for “Miku” and “39" looking similar, but I could be remembering that wrong.



This game sounds like what Budokai 3 looked like, and what I thought DBZ Sagas was going to be. As many, many, many, many times as we’ve seen the Dragon Ball Z story done, I always thought it would be fun to do it in a way that wasn’t just fighting, that was some amount of exploring, and I hadn’t even considered

CotND is on sale on Switch for 3.99 this week, I recommend it! The attacking happens as you move for your main weapon, but there’s side weapons equipped to B. It helps build a combo to keep everything in tempo, but there’s no big penalty if you miss it, and a character that ignores the tempo to help learn the other

Would it be acceptable if they did something along the lines of “There is actually a story and things to do and items to get, but the world is still huge and it’s an adventure to find the things you need instead just ‘welp here’s a tablet that does everything except stab Ganon’?”

Gita Jackson contributed to this report.

On the one hand, it’s nice that it’ll take five shots instead of four to just die to the drum gun now. On the other hand, the thing that made me notice how strong the drum gun was was how quickly it shreds through the 200HP of the Baller, and now the Baller has 150HP

This week I made my second foray into FFXIV by way of the free trial. My friend who got me to do it told me to join Balmung because that’s where they were. I couldn’t (obviously) but the new world mechanic let me in.

Watching the P5 information: This looks super slick, wish I still had my copy

I played like 11 hours and my takeaway was if you haven’t been playing it for years, it’s not gonna be a Destiny Killer for you. It’s got a pretty heavy multiplayer focus and when you’re level one and your back-up is level 267, it’s not really fun.

I’m not seeing Piranha Plant anywhere in my game yet, not sure if it’s gonna do the challenger approaching thing or what.

I tried the Ho-Oh fight and I died so hard it actually hurt a little bit. My friend, on the other hand was like I NEED HO-OH and wrecked Charizard’s face.

Playground mode is a part of Battle Royale, Fortnite Creative sounds like it’s a third beast compared to BR and StW, but I could be wrong, I’m just some guy

The announced on the subreddit and the blog post that it’s on everything, including Switch (and cell phones)

The game just went on sale on Switch eShop, too, so good timing there