
Does Florence get who she actually wants? The concept of John is far too cringy for me to actually play it

I saw my friend using the Discord light version and initially went “What the heck is that?” and he explained and I went “There’s a light mode? Huh. My eyes can’t handle that.” and went about my business. Didn’t know there was a whole thing about it

Holy crap, the original GoW was half my life ago ._.

I was basically gonna suggest this. A large amount of the OW squad’s powers are “gun” anyway, so why not have a mode (at least a temporary one) where you play as a bunch of random people that can use OW-like gear, maybe paint it as a “training to bring Overwatch back” or something. I don’t play BR games so I don’t the reason I suck as Junkrat because I’ve been trying to be a team player?

I’m curious to see articles about characters you do like. If I’ve already missed some, I’ll hunt them down, but I’ve so far just seen you take the shit out of Solas and now Sera (which I’m not saying is a bad thing because they were both good articles that make me more inclined to try DAI) and I’m curious about your

The Mercy Nendoroid did finally come out. I saw it yesterday at my local GameStop for 59.99 and frankly I’m shocked that the February 2018 release date actually happened.

Every time I see Lucky Charms I frown a little. When I was a kid it was “hearts, stars, horse shoes, clovers and blue moons, pots of gold and rainbows, and a red balloon!” I’ve never heard of the yellow moon, and hourglasses was just a weird addition.

This is a question I need answered without a nostalgia filter: Would I, as someone who had never even heard of Secret of Mana until last year, enjoy this remake?

I tried this a couple of hours ago and I gotta say, everything about the dialogue is just wacky. There’s a guy who spends a few minutes talking smack about the guy I was playing as to me and then went OH BUT DON’T LISTEN TO ANY OF THAT YOU’RE AWESOME.

I didn’t even know there was pro Fortnite and already someone is getting fired from it because they’re a jerkwad. Dang.

I do enjoy the sandbox-esque training area for the weapons. It’s nice to be able to try them all instead of it going “Pick one to have for the forseeable future.”

It certainly seems to be working for me. I couldn’t get into 3 or 4, and Generation’s 20something tutorials were so daunting I honestly forgot I had that game.

On the one hand, I can make a character that looks how I wish I looked.

This works great for me! I just traded Shadow Warrior because I needed money, and I could never buy the Chronicles trilogy because I immediately bought the first one when it came out.

Huh. I never actually realized Iroh was supposed to be fat. Guess that shows how well they handled him.

They may have been referring to the fact that Anthem is meant to be a game similar to Destiny 2, which doesn’t seem to be doing too well right now.

If it makes you feel any better, at least he doesn’t know about the 50,000 rupee house in Breath of the Wild.

It’s also 29.99 at GameStop until the 31st, I’m hoping to snag it there

It’s also 29.99 at GameStop until the 31st, I’m hoping to snag it there

I just don’t know how I feel about Sidewalk Moaning Myrtle being in a relationship with the Geico gecko