
I’ve been under the impression we’re not supposed to talk about that, but yeah, same

I can understand and sympathize with these sentiments. There’s plenty of online games I either don’t play or scramble for a solo option. My first (and only) time doing multiplayer Warframe resulted in three overleveled characters speedrunning the second story mission while I struggled to deal with the fact they

how so? honest question

I once had an ad that was literally “Watch this car get hit by a train” on an ASMR video

What does that mean, “as a rare blade”?

Alfredo Fetukini, ready to fight Evil Dragon #76

Fae...isn’t 6?

*sigh* someday the Vita will get two games for real instead of one and a half so that the PS4 can get three

Darksiders II is a pre-midquel to the first one. I would say play the first one so that the third one makes sense, but it looks like the third one is also gonna be a midquel of the first one.

My black friday purchases happened around black friday, like a PS4 on that Tuesday, Kingdom Hearts 1.5+2.5 on Gray Thursday. On actual Friday I got Overwatch, Valkyria Chronicles, Knack and then No Man’s Sky, which, despite being free, the salesperson tried to talk me out of getting.

So...they did the Force Unleashed Act II thing, but prettier?

I thought that second one was a generator at first, dang

I may never understand the point of comparing the Nintendo Switch to high end PCs.

I used to do this run in elementary school at recess because it felt faster (my logic was “wind rushing past arms must mean speed”) and then Naruto happened and I stopped doing that

I just didn’t know that she had a canon name, or at least I assumed they did the “He’s named Sun she’s named Moon” thing like they used to do.

Huh. Wow! I didn’t know that, I’ve just always liked Serena as a name, and I also really like the moon.

Are you telling me that the character I named Serena...was actually called Selene the whole time? Wow.

As much as I love this game, the ending of the first game makes this trailer raise some questions.

Blizzard’s neglect of Mercy hurts my soul. I browsed their store and the only Mercy merch on there is one men’s shirt, two women’s shirts, and the nendoroid they announced at least six months ago that still isn’t out yet.

Would I actually want to finish the story of this game, or would I once again fall into that open-world pit of “Ooh, what’s that over there?!”