I was also wondering why they didn’t use mustard. I like mayo but...why not ketchup and mustard?
I was also wondering why they didn’t use mustard. I like mayo but...why not ketchup and mustard?
Of all the Persona games for 3DS to be getting, it had to be the ones that won’t make sense if you haven’t played the Sony ones T_T
Is tempted or is not tempted? A bit confused there.
I had never heard of Chibi-Robo before Ziplash and I’ve only played about twenty minutes of the original Pikmin ever, but tried the demo to Hey! Pikmin and liked it.
I hadn’t heard until this afternoon that Articuno was limited.
I’m not sure I understand what “simulated pixels” means, but it looks like a fun game! By which I mean, even though it’s called “roguelite” it looks like progress actually means something.
They could. They got James Woods to be Hades, and Christopher Lee to be Ansem the Wise. They even got the actual voices of Aladdin and Hercules (in the second one at least).
would a scowl have fit his character, then? I don’t know the face just seems a little bit too calm for a guy called “Doomfist” lol
I feel like at least one of those pictures should have had bared teeth or a smirk or something
That seems like a bit more than a horde mode.
I misread the article and thought that Eli was supposed to be kissing the seven year old red head and was way more horrified than I was supposed to be.
I just wish they’d make another Naruto game in the vein of Path of the Ninja and Broken Bond. Every time they announce a Naruto game where the whole gameplay is “Mass buttons to punch people across hundreds of characters and transformations” I groan like a creature from the cantina on Tatooine.
if this is the only figure they’re gonna give Mercy then damn it, I’ll buy the thing (my action figures need a healer anyway)
when you said scarjo I thought you were implying Jasmine be cast as some form of disease
the context is probably Link about to do the Master Trials and the Deku Tree pointing out the fact he should probably be defeating Ganon instead of doing that
Split up? I thought the plot of the single player was that one of them went missing and the other one is frantically trying to find them.
I used to be confused about the love for Donnel (and Fire Emblem Heroes did that sentiment no favors), but now I’m 35 hours into Awakening any nobody can hurt him. Nobody.
When I got to the point of my first playthrough that there was nothing left but korok seeds, I started a new file and made it a mission to see what happens if I have the Master Sword before any of the DBs.
Yeah. For whatever reason, doing that in Axiom Verge is less than reliable unless you stand still. Alternatively, I probably just need to git gud