Anybody else having trouble with the code actually working?
Anybody else having trouble with the code actually working?
if we’re lucky, they’ll take about as long on that as they are between Metroids
Xenosaga and the .Hack ps2 games and The Matrix: Path of Neo. Those games would all be amazing on today’s tech
Plot twist: Ghosts 2 is Black Ops 3
Man, when it comes to the merch, Soraka just doesn't get any support
So, what I got from this is they got sick of Shinji's shit, turned him into an EVA too, and the first thing he did was break out to go find Rei. sounds like they don't even have to do this.
This game strikes me as sort of being a combination of Dead Island and Mirror's Edge, or at least trying to. For the kind of game Dead Island was, the ability to do a parkour vault across the many many obstacles in those godforsaken bungalo areas would have been fantastic. On the other hand, making an open world…
The first time I saw the new Chopper, my reaction was "What the hell is that thing?" Honestly, didn't he eat the Man Man fruit or something, can he still do that? Does he turn into a teenager now?
Been waiting for this announcement, and I gotta say: it doesn't come with Majora's Mask, or even a freakin charger, and people are still probably going to beat each other bloody over it on February 13th, a Friday the 13th no less. I've always wanted a limited edition Zelda handheld, but this certainly isn't the one I…
This is what happens when those old stick figure fighter gifs take it to a whole 'nother level
Soooon. Ever since I got a job I've been itching for the Gold Zelda XL...but the Newness...she beckons...
Ugh, I was going to get Super Mario 3D World today so I could actually PLAY something before 2015, but my friend insisted I get Dragon Age because he can play it. The people at GameStop: You're network can't be down, mine's working and Sony said it's fixed. Well, Sony was wrong.
I saw updates, but couldn't get into the store. Maybe it changed
The Wii eShop and the ability to play games are two entirely separate entities, though. DDoS'd the eShop would be like hacking Wal-Mart's online cart and expecting their stock to plummet. The two just aren't connected enough for it to be an issue.
When they say "online" is that only if you played the multiplayer? Because I got MCC on Cyber Monday and played it a lot, but not the multiplayer because you can't without XBL Gold. But since the XB1 is always "online" I wasn't sure if they meant "You get these things if you got and played the game at all."
My hopes: Either let us walk around the world in this one between fights or give us a damn sequel to Broken Bond.
The Nook Color was a real tablet, I had one. It...wasn't great.
I don't know, man, look how Nintendo gamers got when the 3DS had it's first price drop