
It's possible that all this open world that we're seeing here is the blocked out portions of the map from Skyward Sword. This Link could be directly descended from Link and Zelda after they decided to stay on the surface, so of course he would know what the rest of the world looks like between the regions. And seeing

Zelda NES/Zelda II take place in the timeline where Link fails to defeat Ganon(dorf) in OoT and the world is ruined. It couldn't quite take place before NES/II because the world is far too peaceful, laser shooting monoliths aside. As far as those guys go, it seems to hail back to the kind of technology used in the

Square Enix and Ubisoft...Squareso—-MOTHER OF GOD

I was so certain that they wouldn't show anything for Zelda Wii U that it's the whole reason I didn't watch The Game Awards. Egg on my face, there, huh?

I've been told that the reason Goku sounds like that is it's the exact same voice as in Dragon Ball when he was a kid, and they never bothered to age it up for his being an adult. As far as making Frieza relevant, wasn't there literally a point where Gohan punched him and he exploded? Literally exploded?

the .hack games

I hope they have ten pages of deals like last year, because these are pretty awful

How long is the one for target good for? I need me some Bayonetta 2 and Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze and I guess some other third thing

How long is the one for target good for? I need me some Bayonetta 2 and Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze and I guess some

I wish. It's still 45 used in a lot of places :/

Your definition of "friend zoned" is the one I was always looking at. I can take being turned down in stride, sometimes there's a period of hurt from the no, but if we can still be friends, cool. I did have someone flat out tell me they started leading me on after I told them how I felt, and we both agreed that

I was all prepared to get the Link one because Zelda merch, but that Samus amiibo is gorgeous and I wants it

not for any of those sims, it wasn't

I can understand why they would do this. Considering Microsoft recently got into the Blu-Ray game and then proceeded to put four entire games on one disc, is it really so difficult to grasp that they'd put everything else in a patch? The PS4 Remaster of The Last of Us is a 45GB download, but that's just one upscaled

I've only played a little bit of SM3Dw, so correct me if I'm wrong, but Captain Toad was the mini-game that played entirely by rotating the world, right? Because if that's the one, then yeah, I agree with you on that. It was a fun mini-game, but that was a weird mechanic that could have also been mapped to the

Goof Troop was one of my favorite games growing up! Another good example of Pete's shifty stance on the villain/hero scale is the way Epic Mickey handles all the "Pete" characters, some of them being good, some of them being bad, and some changing based on if you help them or not.

Something about realistic Miku is just horrifying.

I hope they don't ramp up the price on the N3DS when we get them. I went looking for a 2DS or the old 3DS to pass the time until the new one comes out, and my local GameStops told me that Nintendo told them to stop selling them. I don't know if that's a sign that we'll be getting the N3DS sooner than we think or if

A lot of people seem to be giving the existence of this game flack. I know people wanted Majora's Mask 3DS, and since they didn't get it, they're upset about a presumably all-new game. Whether or not LttP was good is a matter of personal opinion, but if I had to choose between an HD MM and a LttP sequel/prequel thing,


Wasn't Mewtwo initially a clone of Mew anyway? Who's to say this thing isn't a natural evolution of Mew?