
Your speculation simply isn’t based on facts. Democrats tend to run sexual harassers and abusers out of their positions while Republicans elect them President. Granted, it hasn’t always been true, but Bill Clinton could not secure a presidential nomination today unless he ran as a Republican.

Sadly this is a false story.  He never tweeted to begin with. 

Jared Kushner has never tweeted. The same thing about him wiping his twitter account came around during the whole Mueller thing. It’s not true. 

I bought a Synology RT2600 router a few months ago since our old TP-Link wasn’t keeping up with wife and I working from home together now. The Synology works like a charm; it solved our dropped signal problems instantly, and it’s easy enough to set-up and use for novices but also has plenty of bells and whistles for

I bought a Synology RT2600 router a few months ago since our old TP-Link wasn’t keeping up with wife and I working

“... there are buku blubber butts with enough cash...”

As an owner of a Euro repair shop you need immediately replace the primary timing chain tensioner (will take you 3 hours if you're slow) and the oil separator on the valve cover or it will fail and destroy the rear main seal. Dealer parts on both! I can get you my discount and have drop shipped to you if you want.

She also kept reiterating that she doesn’t want her son “to change,” which is exactly like saying she doesn’t want him to grow, which seems like a strange way to parent your adult son.

You listen to Rush Limbaugh don't you. 

Il s’appelle TinTin.

I’ve only ever heard of her because I’ve seen her ugly hair bows when out looking for presents for my nieces. The house is predictably ostentatious and tasteless but I’m fascinated by JoJo herself... she’s either the worlds worst preserved teenager, or she’s secretly a 39 year-old chainsmoking alcoholic masquerading

Fuck....I would be shocked if they made it across the tracks where the plebs live in their own hometowns.

What are the odds that if you asked any one of these 4 congressional candidates why socialism is bad, their answers would amount to anything beyond - ‘Venezuela’ or ‘Communism’ or ‘Soviet Union’?

Well, there was the crazy spring break in Cancun during college.

What are the odds that these women have spent any time at all outside of the deep South (notation given to the Minnesota candidate, who comes from a land so white they think ketchup is spicy).

Uh, Clarkson is a Brit. Student and medical debt isnt really a thing over there.

“Nah it’s not the crushing student and medical debt,”

You want short shorts? Watch rugby. 

Remember, you can die from Exposure.