
Alternatively, if you want to define marriage as a strictly religious institution, gay couple have had the right to marry for decades. Of course, those people are pretty blatant about their belief that any church that doesn't hate gay people is just some liberal hippie sham-church concocted for the sake of arguing

I can't remember which red state (Oklaholma? Kansas?) where a local pol suggested he'd push to get rid of marriage in order to deal with the possibility of a court ruling that would put marriage equality in place.

Yeah, I mean, what the fuck does "the state needs to get out of the marriage business" even mean to this guy? It's nonsense because I'm pretty sure he's not advocating for marriage to have no legal significance. If he's saying that only churches should get to enact legally binding marriages, that's grade-A

"Just because one is fiscally able to homeschool does not mean that they are equipped with the skillsets to do so." this was the biggest thing for me. i am not at all equipped to teach anything mathmatic above like, jesus, probably 8th grade level math.

I wish I could find the relevant portions of canon law, since I'm not an expert, but I think (and I'm speaking in very broad terms here) that it has to do with the state being a just authority, and that the church requires faithful Catholics to obey just authority in their country. So God's not requiring the paper

Was there not an episode of friends in which Joey and Chandler are fighting about something and Joey tells Chandler to consider what is the last thing he (Joey) washes with their shared bar of soap, and the first thing Chandler washes with it?

I was homeschooled, and I think it worked out well for me, but I think it's important to think about who home schools- people who have enough income for one parent to be spending 40 hours a week on their kid's education instead of working. People who can't afford to do that send their kids to public school, and lower

This would require interacting with your children and understanding what they're learning in school, two things most Americans can't handle.

I actually feel it should be stay both - that way maybe some of these assholes could just get it through their heads that no one is going to force their church to do something it does want to do, and if their church sees the light and changes, they have to right to go start their own dumb church. Point being, you want

Yeah - my bf keeps arguing for home schooling because of "the system" (sigh), even though home schooling is out of the question for us financially. And while I agree with some of his points, I feel pretty confident that I can instill my ideas and worldview in my son. In fact it would be hard not to. That said, I

If you are going to Bikram for weight loss, you are going for the wrong reasons. When I did Bikram regularly, I ate more healthy, I drank a lot less (I see Hillary has made this mistake of drinking the night before a Bikram class too) and was more active in general. I lost 20 pounds the year that I went to Bikram

Shhhhh!!! If people knew they were paying more just so the studio can save on paying their AC bills, it'll ruin everything.

Yes, sorry we don't know much more than what was provided in the cited news reports. But your point still stands; thank you!

In spite of my snobbery about things with commercials, I cannot tell a lie: I do the same with Sex and the City. Own the pink box and have zero reason to want to watch an edited, commercial-filled episode. But I see there's a marathon on E! and I just... get... sucked... in.

Can't we just age naturally and hate how we look? Is that so hard?

To listen to the soundtrack that many times, it would take 347.8 million years back to back, or 2.5% of the time that has elapsed since the Big Bang occurred.

False, it's actually murse.

But were the goats wearing?

Mark, did Jezebel put you on the "Stories that are so fucked up you wish you had never read them" beat, or is this the life you have chosen for yourself? I call misandry.