
I think you're intentionally reading that wrong.

You've got it backwards. Jezebel posters are embracing this, because it's an example of a 24 year old woman celebrating how she wants rather than how y'all think she should.

Yeah, you pretty much have to buy those yourself (for economic reasons - those things don't come cheap.) Congregations really only provide the really bare, basic versions for free. If you (impersonal you) are really religious, though, you probably have a copy of some Bible With Commentary around, which is fairly

Nope. We just say the translation must be off. :)

They still haven't next to Timothy 1 2:8-15

As a Presbyterian (who fully supports the change), I understand your confusion. However, I assure you that this is entirely consistent with the ongoing hermeneutic and exegetical traditions of mainline Protestant denominations. Many very, very smart people have taken this very, very seriously for a very long time.

HAha—you're mad about people going to Cuba.

Most of the world is free to vacation in Cuba, the US is the only country being stubbornly stupid about the matter. Unless you similarly sneer at people who engage in other forms of illegal behavior (recreational pot use outside of CO or WA, underage drinking), STFU.

I mean, this hasn't happened yet for all of the text referring to slavery...

Also I heard that all kids who find themselves in bad situations and feel pressured into peddling drugs due to the poor resources available to them should be punished for the rest of their lives.

And I'm not sure you ever will.

No. They just interpret it differently, which shows up in sermons and whatnot.

Jesus hates communists. It's clear from all of his really capitalistic teachings.

The whole damned book should come with an asterisk.

Too bad nobody sterilized YOUR mother. Then we wouldn't have to read your assmunching spam posts. Go eat a bag of dicks you used enemabag.

This person is a troll. Ignore with extreme prejudice.


What a precious rosebud he is.

I think it's mostly that too. I'm sure there are some people who totally get off to this or the idea of basically fucking someone until their ass fell out but I think it's more for the 'whoa!' factor. It seems like a stunt sex act that more about the craziness of the act then it actually being sexy or arousing.