At least you are admitting that your first statement was #fakenews.
That’s nice that you can find a less expensive computer.
Has Apple never gone through a Bear market before in its history?
At least you are admitting that your first statement was #fakenews.
That’s nice that you can find a less expensive computer.
Has Apple never gone through a Bear market before in its history?
Good thing iPhones start at $399 and MacBook airs start at $899.
I’ve been a Mac user since the LCII, have worked in an authorized reseller, and have purchased several MacBook Pros, iPhones, Apple Watches, etc in the past 10 years, and your claim is bizarre.
Tik Tok is another service that needs to step up their royalty game.
Yeah, that is bizarre. I am a landlord and do the exact opposite, I gave all of my tenants $100.
Any news on the convertible version?
Hard top, or soft top?
If you can’t pull out the pullout drawer and chip it out, you can always remove all contents, let the freezer thaw and then dab it out.
If you can’t pull out the pullout drawer and chip it out, you can always remove all contents, let the freezer thaw…
My husband is 6'4" 300lbs, and really likes his SLK.
It’s definitely bananas. The only thing I think they messed up on was not making the timeline more clear with the interview clips.
Thank you for the reply, you’ll notice that I said largely.
Menstrual cups start at $9 USD, this seems like a problem that could be largely fixed.
I am 100% serious. I imagine most people complain about coming back home, having new neighbors, businesses closing, etc. after an extended leave.
Almost all of my neighbors growing up have either moved or died, several businesses have closed or been bought out.
When you come home, you expect to see neighbors, their kids have grown, a sense of community feel. And you don’t see that.
Nope not at all. Also, we’re going on 12 years and I have never thought to myself “marriage is hard”. Everyone’s situation is different.
If it makes you feel any better I have several friends that are in better shape than him, and they don’t starve themselves and enjoy life.
Because these people are scared of something they have most likely never observed themselves, and rely on descriptions from fever dream Ronald Regan circle jerk sessions.
The border states ones, like Minnesota, are the ones that really get me.
What are the odds that these women have never spent a significant amount of time outside of The United States, or talking with people outside The United States, observing/discussing these things that scare them so much?
I could be wrong, but the photo shows it has 4 seats.