
Since you have knowledge of the restaurant, how many min wage employees are working on an average busy day?

What do you think the operational cost is per hour at the restaurant outside of min wage employees?

What do you think the average sales/hr are?

Have you looked at Seicane? I’ve been eyeballing their SLK stereo that looks great spec-wise, but has thin reviews.

It’s worked in my SLK 350 (no windscreen) and in my C70 (with windscreen).

I’m with you, I can’t remember not masturbating.

Not for me it wasn’t.

I started going to swing clubs when I was 19, and while I was young, and there were old people at the ones that I went to regularly the average age was early 30s.

Yup, my husband I were just discussing that this weekend when we were enjoying all the cute thong bikinis in the Vegas pools.

What a bunch of shitbirds.

Nah, blended kiwi Red Bull is where it’s at. Sorry not sorry.

If they go through code enforcement, and their code enforcement behaves like most, the local code enforcement officer will present their case before the code board, and the board will decide whether or not they meet the requirements, or not.

The onus would then be on him to prove that all vehicles are functioning and not salvage. 

You forgot to quote “or”, which means that any of the following statuses apply:

According to my husband, who is a large man, with large thighs, and large testicals, it’s not painful whatsoever. He said you may need to adjust, that is it.

Yes, that is the point of these plugs, they have adapters built in.

Yes, that is the point of these plugs, they have adapters built in.

Yes, now that they use USB C to charge, it would be nice to just have my wall adapter in my bag, and charge directly off the wall.

Yes, now that they use USB C to charge, it would be nice to just have my wall adapter in my bag, and charge directly

I’m waiting a wall outlet that I can charge my MacBook Pro on, has anyone heard about something like that yet?

I’m waiting a wall outlet that I can charge my MacBook Pro on, has anyone heard about something like that yet?

We have a 105 year old bungalow and had it painted a few years back. We are two stories and about 3000 sq ft, and did three colors.

Yes. That Joseph.

I can’t imagine going to the effort of lowering my neighbors property values and ruining the aesthetics of the area that I live, but there are plenty of folks that seem to enjoy doing that.

We don’t have water shortages here, so it’s not bad.