
I’ve asked people how being a 2nd Amendment Hero turned out for Micah Johnson.

You’re right, you would copyright the movement, and register the name.

I would rather pay the true cost of service, rather than pay a lower rate at others’ expense.


I ended up fighting hard, and got almost 10k more than the initial offer.

Now playing

And if Chuck Burly calls him out, Trudeau might just beat his ass.

Out of curiosity, what are you weighing in at? It handles my husband at 290 without issue.

After several years of use it handles my husband without issue. How much do you weigh?

In fairness James is marred to Steffiana de la Cruz, and Sandler to Jackie Sandler in real life. Both of those women are objectively more attractive than them.

And try explaining to those mouth breathers that she is both past the point of having her period, and that she is no longer having hot flashes.

I went down the rabbit hole of reading about the alt right last night, and ended up on some white supremacist sites... It is scary to say the least, and the fact that we have a candidate who openly embraces them is even more scary...

That is exactly why I listen to Conservative Talk Radio every day, and brows Breitbart / The Blaze once in a while. It is good to know what people that think the opposite of you are thinking, and how they get there.

Sometimes I read comments on here, and I wonder if my (and all my friends) genitals really are that different, or if some people have never looked at their own.

I think we can all safely agree that you mixed up Clinton with Trump, especially in light of today’s revelations, and that there have been no substantiated claims about the Clinton Foundation.

Yeah, I clicked through expecting something more scandalous than what I would see at Sunday mass.

Not that I’ve done this before, but you’ll want to turn the rum into an aerosol when putting it to flames, if not you’re not going to get much of a show.

I don’t disagree, but you are very fortunate to not be around adults that promote these types of activities.

It depends.

You must live in a nice place and don’t see parents who don’t give a shit, or promote bad decisions.