
How much are you wagering?

The bikinis that Coco likes to wear would not allow for a C Section...

There are hubs all over, ours is in Spokane, WA

We have the DVD only plan, and rip the videos to our NAS to watch at our leisure. The selection is better.

⬆ This is exactly why we need allies.

I was pleased to see a person in our town just got 30 years for production of child pornography.

Have you had the opportunity to live in socio-economically depressed neighborhoods with a majority of Mexicans?

You have been amazingly lucky!

My sister lives in redneck central, and their neighbors constantly have jam sessions with their garage bands. It is 10x more offensive than the fiestas that happen on a weekly basis in my neighborhood.

Here is an example:

The amazing thing is that he responds to every tweet/post (that isn’t inflammatory) with facts and scientific evidence.

I had the opportunity to hang out with Monsanto’s social media manger.

Now playing

I’m still not sure if that movie was supposed to be a cautionary tale, or an aspirational one.

After Wolf of Walstreet came out, we were very sad to find out that they were no longer available.

Does the law state that employers can not raise prices to compensate for the higher price of labor?

It reminds me of this post:

You chose to be an unprovoked jerk to me in the past.

I didn’t bookmark her comments, but you are feel free to go back in her comment history, especially where she talks about her landlords, and the people that live near her.