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For all the nice nice liberals wringing their hands about the battlefield of ideas... You can’t. They’re Nazis. They subscribe to an explicitly violent ideology. You don’t talk a Nazi into not killing people.

As a queer, I want to say that I fucking love our goddamn community.

This isn’t the first time we’ve had white supremacists in the white house. Black folks can get through this the same way we always have. And this may (almost certainly) be my darker side talking here, but i hope that whites feel a fraction of what blacks and other minorities have and will have to go through and learn

On the education of kids with special needs:

Her sentence was the longest sentence for any leaker, ever. Yes, the leak was huge, but as the NY Times points out, none of the material was classified as Top Secret.

A very sincere Thanks, Obama. She would not have survived the Trump administration.

agreed. also, i love your kinja handle!

Anyone else think that Trump had no idea who John Lewis is until about 20 minutes after his tweets?

Thank you, John Lewis.

And don’t forget that trump and his father were sued* for refusing to rent to black people.

White women who want to broadcast their politics (in addition to actually taking action, ahem) could also just wear a t-shirt from Planned Parenthood, the ACLU, Amnesty, SPLC, CAIR, BLM, NOW, NPR, DNC ... the possibilities are endless. Just anything at all besides almost literally #notallwhitewomen.

Oh my god YES. I hear people talking about how their parents are giving them $20K for a wedding, or $30K for a down payment on a home, or paying for their college tuition entirely. Must be really fucking nice.

And now that poor infant is stuck living its life with all that damage. It shouldn’t have been born. Everybody loses.

As access to abortion becomes more restricted and people continue to believe sex education encourages sex, more botched at home abortions will happen. Men and women against abortion will insist these laws save lives, will pay no attention to ho many it ruins and continue to believe anyone who dies attempting abortion

The newspaper accounts prove (a) that Fred Trump was at a Klan rally and (b) wearing Klan attire.

Indigenous identity is not about DNA. This is what aggravates me so much about those fucking DNA-Ancestry commercials where people find out they’re “Native American” (just that, not what tribe, or clan, or anything else), and suddenly they’re pulling dreamcatchers out of their ass.

I think we need to stop thinking of racism is something that is an “accusation”—we accuse people of crimes. Racism is something we all live and breathe and have to be very conscious of fighting. Pointing out something is racist, or at the very least centers white experiences, is not the fucking worst thing in the

I understand where you’re coming from; unification is absolutely necessary. But people getting involved need to be willing do some work to understand and give voice to marginalized groups, right?