
I don’t find the Clinton example ironic. I think it is correct. And, if Kushner had any relevant experience or expertise, I would not have a problem with this. The issue is not nepotism so much as lack of qualifications. He is as unqualified as a number of Trump appointees- is Bannon more acceptable because he is a

I think he’s surrounding himself with family members like any paranoid mobster would.

Trump is trying to appeal to jews, families and his daughter.

I vote we follow the Klingon example

Can we also talk about how today he also met with the leaders of the Alphabet Agencies, some of the most powerful and historically pro-GOP Intelligence groups in the world, and basically claimed they were wrong about Putin and Russia’s involvement despite them then releasing a report which states plain as day that

Come on ladies it’s not that hard! Just remember the scales:

Went to college in NYC. Live in there now. Not one of my friends who has been sexually harassed or assaulted has reported it to the NYPD successfully. Most didn’t try, one couldn’t get through the reporting process because of the emotional trauma inflicted by the police who were questioning her. They wanted to make

His Wikipedia page paints him in just the most flattering light. Here are some highlights:

Star Wars geeks and Trekkies are going to hate you for mixing your genres.

That’s Star Trek. Nerd card revoked.

Pedantic nerd moment: Not all LARP is medieval or fantasy based. There are some set in the old west, in the present-day, and there’s a large network across North America that does a post-apocalyptic zombie setting, called Dystopia Rising (my personal favourite, because I have no patience for elves or vampires). But

I’m surprised that this lunatic hasn’t proposed a bill outlawing the use of names that do not clearly and unambiguously signal gender. With lists to prevent change over time. Or require the use of little male/female signs after names on class lists. I mean is a Patricia who wants to go by Pat requesting to use the

Which is exactly why the Democratic National Committee will fail to capitalize on it.

Megyn Kelly is still a villain and a despicable human being.

he thought the Ku Klux Klan was “OK, until he learned that they smoked marijuana.

Ask Paula Deen!

What? Most of the terror attacks that have recently occured in Western Europe and Turkey have NOT been acts of organized terror. How does this even look close to organized terror? A lone gunman opens fire in a nightclub. It is nothing like the coordinated attacks like Mumbai. All a terror attack like this takes is

Love you, HamNo, but my only response to this is: No fucking shit. The warnings were around for months and months and months, but the DNC still nominated the only candidate who could possibly make Trump seem palatable. (“She still won the popular vote!” BFD. The Boston Red Sox had the best batting average in the

Do all millennials wet their pants when things go badly?