
I believe her husband *was* an anesthesiologist and though he was a doctor, he was was also charlatan and hated by all his colleagues (says my dad, who is in the know on everything Anesthesiology). If they both were then the doctor/charlatan label extends to her as well. As for the chiropractor, they are not doctors.

None of us should have to pay out of pocket for medication. This is why we need universal single payer healthcare.

No doubt, there’s a reason he’s holed up in Russia these days.

Reverse 👏🏻Racism 👏🏻Isn’t👏🏻 Real

Elegant solution: Eat the rich, feed the poor.

I was at the 8/13 action in Union Sq in New York City. We marched up to dump tower on 57th Street. Hundreds of folks from DSA, BLM, MACC and other groups. We were overwhelmingly white. The only 3 people who got arrested were POC and queer identified. Not only that, NYPD brutally assaulted one of the guys I was

Three words: Fight, flight or freeze. No, not just fight or flight. It is in fact fight, flight, or freeze. No one can know for sure which of these reactions their own body will respond with until they find themselves on the receiving end of assault or trauma. You should feel privileged that you’ve never been in such

At the end of the day, ladies, never forget: it’s all about him. Even when you’re the subject of a nauseating instagram post, your man is really just talking about himself.

I’m aware of his pathetic lineage and I stand by it, he’s a white supremacist monster on a mission to ramp up state sponsored law and order terrorism against black and brown people.


A family court Judge will not award co-parent or partial custody with a foster family to these parents. That is not how it works. A judge may offer visitation to the parents while the children are in foster care but in the not too distant future the same judge will permanently revoke their parental rights and put the

This story doesn’t surprise me at all but disturbs me nonetheless. I work with young adults, many of whom were in foster care at some point and suffered incalculable trauma. Sounds like no real effort was made to provide preventive services to this couple to help them raise their children. This is such egregious

I wouldn’t wish glioblastoma on anyone, and I feel for him and his family. That being said, he’s 80 years old and lived a long, very productive life. Rich white men with good health care live about 15 years longer than poor men of all races who either have no health care or insufficient care. It would be nice if he

Yeah except I lived in Yemen, was married to a Muslim man, learned the language, studied the Qur’an and traveled all over the middle east and North Africa for years, can you say that? And I have been to Saudi Arabia too as well as met political asylum seekers from Saudi Arabia who resettled in the U.K. The only way

If you read the article highlighted in this one you’d know she lives there and is not a tourist. KSA is one of the most brutal dictatorial regimes in the world and every aspect of life there is controlled by the royal family to keep tight control on their power and wealth. They are about to, or already have, execute

This baby is severely brain damaged and it is irreversible. He cannot breathe, eat on his own or interact with the world in any way around him. Tell me, what is more cruel? The hospital and the courts acting in the baby’s best interest to give him a peaceful end of life or his parents acting in their best interest to

Educate yourself on the disease he was diagnosed with and the prognosis first before casting stones at the medical team.

Can’t even imagine what that agony was like for you. Sadly, there are times when a parent gets this one and only choice - to let their child go in peace or to hold on, prolonging their child’s unbearable existence. Grief is the gravest storm a heart can face, some people just can’t handle it. I suspect that’s why you

I’m sure I could come up with some Freudian theory about him purposely peeking in on his mom, with whom he had a very stormy relationship, changing tampons when he was a kid.

I’m a vegan socialist.