
I called you out because such comments, which are scarily common in so-called liberal circles, are illogical and ridiculous. And they stink of historical revisionism. Democrats longing for Bush and Cheney in the age of Trump tells me that you would have been more okay with a different conservative becoming President

JFC you must be one of those liberals who thinks war is okay as long as we have female drone pilots. Sick. Bush and Cheney are responsible for millions of deaths in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Sounds about right. My coworker is a part time contributor at StoryCorps (and had his story featured) and they seem to have little listening capacity or loyalty toward their employees. The recent unionization drives in journalism and media is a beautiful flame in cavernous darkness.

It’s precedent definition. Even though the 4th amendment has become a brittle shell of itself courtesy of Terry, Wilson and related Supreme Court cases, this sheriff’s office cannot possibly make the argument that they had reasonable suspicion based on specific and articulable facts. With a sheriff’s office that inept

Not enough stars for this. I lived in Yemen in 2012 and Saudi bombs have killed and maimed people I cared deeply for. FUCK THE SAUD TO HELL.

Exactly, but figures this story would bring out the homophobic, queerphobic assholes. Can we ffs leave a person’s gender identity and sexual orientation out of it? Sex abusers can come in any/every stripe.

I’m truly sorry... that must have been a dreadful sight for you!

So forcing someone to carry and raise a child without sufficient social or familial support is an appropriate punishment for making a mistake? I bet you’re also against taxes going to help the poor and indigent. Fuck yourself

Ja Rule: Hero of the proletariat.

I stole a few more of those after my ovarian cyst removal. Like thin air indeed! XD

Thank you for sharing, you never know - it may help someone. I was also raped twice, which only compounded the shame and self-loathing I carried with me for years.

But it’s so much easier for liberals to punch down rather than do real soul searching and get their shit together. I’m encouraged by the likes of Osroff but this is a drop in the bucket. They’ve got a lot more godawful candidates they’re shoveling like this asshat from Montana.

In my other comment below I made mention that this was not an acceptable move for him to make either. Collective liberation or GTFO.

Clinton would’ve supported that turd candidate too but this was a bad move for Bernie to make.

Dumb. Clinton would absolutely have supported this candidate. She was fundraising for downticket Dems throughout her campaign.

Ahem. Bill Clinton was VERY pro-death penalty as governor [not to mention how he picked up the law and order baton as president]. In fact, while he was on the campaign trail in 1992 he returned to Arkansas to oversee the execution of a severely brain damaged man. His name was Ricky Ray Rector.

I’m guessing you’re an “All Lives Matter” flag waver.

Long Island is, and has long been, full of deplorables. See Robert Moses and the Shirley hitler youth camp for historical examples and Lee Zeldin for a present day example. I barely survived my high school years there, and fled quickly upon graduation.

In word and deed, he’s setting the stage to win the Heinrich Himmler pageant.