
Princess Leia and Ripley were my brunette heroines in a vast sea of vapid 80's blondes. Anyone who can’t understand what they meant for girls of a certain generation can go jump in a lake.

Now if you excuse me, I’m going to go light candles for the continued health and safety of Sigourney Weaver and Betty White.

This seems to gloss over a few things. The state lawmakers were crying alligator tears over the provisions that Charlotte kept, despite previous assurances that all they wanted was for the LGBT protections removed. So, Charlotte removed them.

Republican Senate Leader Phil Berger blamed Democrats saying “Their action proves they only wanted a repeal in order to force radical social engineering and shared bathrooms across North Carolina, at the expense of our state’s families, our reputation and our economy.”

“Whiteness” is a construct designed by a particular group of people in order to exclude particular other groups and deny them their rights. It has been used to mean or to exclude a variety of people of varying skin tones and ethnic backgrounds, depending on what was convenient at the time. “Blackness” is also a social

Yeah, it’s almost as if you have to think more deeply about what the phrase means instead of taking it at its most literal interpretation. Like a university student.

Fuck you Texas.

Yes it is Jill Stein and her voters’ fault and not ALL YOUR RACIST, SCARED NEIGHBORS VOTING FOR DONALD

Pictured: Trump and his private security team.

White Man Rule No. 4: If you can’t have something, ruin it for everyone else.

Interesting takeaway from this election cycle: Turns out that the GOP, the party that routinely wraps itself in the American flag and the Constitution, not really all that interested in democracy.

To my fellow minorities and marginalized folks:

That won’t happen here. Too many meth heads are white. And cops already shoot unarmed black people.

Dawn Laguens is absolutely right. I have a ton of “liberal” friends who keep saying that they would have been okay voting for Kasich in the general (EVEN OVER CLINTON!) because he seems reasonable and didn’t have “corporate ties.” His policies on women/LGBT folks are just as bad, if not worse, than the other

“Hey, we single-handedly beat the Germans in WWII.”

The fact that the Soviet Army did most of the heavy lifting against Germany in WWII ruins your point.

(a handy roadmap to purge federal employees because of their political beliefs)

We’re seriously seeing facism take root. I can’t even fully process this.

My father and his side of the family are Jewish, which connects us to a long history of battling anti-Semitism (and from what we surmise, not always winning). This does not change the fact that I agree with you. To conflate critiques of Israel’s government with anti-Semitism is myopic at best, and in reality puts