I'm With Her

Yay! I've always wanted that reply! :)

I like her a lot! She's brave, helpful, and funny. I know this show doesn't sound cool, but I will give it a chance. I can only ever stand to watch much dark "peak tv" before I have to switch to a sitcom, anyway. King of Queens was a middling show, but sometimes that's just what's needed.

Could that be because of where you live? I feel like that's a New Jersey or Florida thing. I live in upstate NY and I actively avoid guys who look like they spend their lives doing steroids and lifting. None of my friends go for those guys, either. Don't give up hope!

Good point; I think the bleached hair and tan make it look even worse now. He looks like it hurts to move.

Good analogue! I feel like he'd look too out of place in a Tom Cruise-like film, looking like he does now. Cruise is fit but never looked like that. And congrats on the movie work!

I know that I don't. Plus, a lot of guys who push and/or drug themselves to look like that don't seem happy. I worry that it's going to influence other guys to think that they need to look like that. Women are already pressured to look perfect through unhealthy behaviors and I hate that men are being pressured in

He was so adorable before this. Hopefully, if he can move away from the "bro" character he's been stuck in, then he won't have to keep this up.

I'm all for more romantic comedies, but after reading about Maggie Gyllenhaal and other actresses being told they're "too old" to be the love interests of dudes in their fifties, this kinda sucks. Someone told me recently that, being in my late twenties, I'm "already a cougar." Screw that.

Holy crap. I didn't know that was a thing, let alone that it was his alleged preferred method. That's just plain cruel.

I'll look for the first one, then!

Is the book series worth reading? I have a million other books on my list, but I might move these up bc of the show!

Thanks! And I'm glad you're doing well now! That sounds awesome.

Yeah, go figure. I was fine in my teens but had some depression starting around 20 and got worse around 26; definitely bad now at 29, but getting help. I hope your thirties were better (and that mine will be!).

Fair opinion! I like a lot of other banjo players better, but I think he helped a certain audience into bluegrass. And his stuff with Grisman was my first exposure to the latter's music.

He is. We don't agree on everything, but he is a good dad. On the Dead, it took me watching the GD Movie from '77 to finally "get" them. Maybe try showing them that?

I'm glad you're ok. It's hard to stick around, but it seems worth trying.

There's also "smiling/walking depression" and I know I can smile at people at work while having casual suicidal thoughts. Unfortunately, I think it's pretty common.

I've loved Daniel Bruehl's work for a while, so I'll be watching this. (And I'm going to have to download a phone keyboard with umlauts by then.)

I like him in both those roles, but I'm just excited to see more of him here in the US. Very little of his German or Spanish language work seems to be readily available here.

I really wish I could be home with my dad to watch this on June 2. It took him 20-some years, but I've gotten decently into the Grateful Dead this past year or so. Plus, Jerry's bluegrass stuff was great.