I'm With Her

I really like this show so far! I'm very happy to see Briga Heelan as the lead in a network show.

I read about the Dobson interview with Bundy in a Christian teen book when I was about 14 and that and some other things they said stuck with me. That and "I kissed dating goodbye" (ok and plenty of other bad Christian media) screwed up a lot of evangelical millennials. Aside: I'm still a Christian, but I would

To be fair, this country is too damn big for tours to work for everyone. Good for her on biting the bullet and just going. (I'm in upstate NY and the bands I like are rarely in my neck of the woods and traveling to Toronto is too much of a hassle. I just end up watching sad tour videos and being jealous of people.)

I love them both—Jeannie appeared on My Boys with him and her work with him is very enjoyable—and I hope she gets better as soon as that's feasible. I was told on Friday that my doctor didn't think I had a brain tumor and while it's a relief, it made me sad for the people who don't get to hear that.

I read about I Love Dick a few times when the interwebz were first writing about the pilot and it just sounds straight-up cringeworthy. I can appreciate that the book sounds like a feminist benchmark, but I think I will sit this one out in favor of other female-fronted shows.

Fleabag was one that took me several tries to get through, but I felt like it was all worth watching just to get to the final episode and Hugh Dennis' part with her in the cafe.

What? Dude. This show had lazy, sexist, and racist jokes and much better sitcoms have had shorter runs. Kat Dennings was good in Nick and Norah and Thor, but this was a six-year misstep. I hope she can find better work now, especially since she & Behrs, etc have that sweet syndication money.

I saw an episode or two and couldn't believe it was allowed on the air like that. Horrible show. Definitely lowered my opinion of Kat Dennings, despite liking her in other things.

I LOVE his latest cd, The Art of Doing Nothing. I downloaded it a few weeks ago and I've played it plenty of times already.

Are either one of them fun enough to be the Robbie? Harry makes me think more of Mark Owen (which is no bad thing).

Ooh good point. He just seems so consistently the same age that I forget that. Yeah, I mostly like the two younger girls, but Amanda Fuller as Kristin grew on me. I didn't watch as much of the first season, but I think she fit with the cast better than the first actress who played Kristin.

It was enjoyable for what it was and I'll defend the cast as a good one often hampered by the writing. I wish Tim's character had shown more growth over time though, in his family and working relationships. Hopefully they get some good gigs after this, especially the younger girls and Hector Elizondo.

Can you start reading/watching news items less often? I know it's hard with the 24-hour news cycle, but it helps my depression a bit if I try to stick to looking at the news at proscribed times. Granted, when here and every media company linking on Facebook also has news items, it's hard to avoid it all. I think my

I like your bizarro world theory comparisons. NBC just needs to get these on a new comedy block and I'll start watching live again.

She's really fun and I actually think the cast works pretty well. I think the weakest links so far are the characters they haven't given much screen time to yet, like the camera man and Tracy Wigfield's weather lady.

Haha 😂 I just do the smile and nod during those conversations and move it along, but that's certainly another tack.

I can't help but love that stupid movie. I've lost count of how many times I've watched it, but it's just generally more charming and comforting than it ought to be. Probably bc I'm constantly in Lane's character's shoes with friends and family constantly on my case to find a guy. I'll get to it in my own time,

I knew I liked him bc even his dumb movies have some heart, but I think I have a crush now too. Will definitely be seeking out his writing and the YA book sounds much better than most of the YA dross out there.

I found the other Undateable fan! (Tried to call my brother "baby bird" recently and it did not go over very well.)

I like how she's wearing so much foundation makeup that her face looks flat.