I'm With Her

I haven't been the right age group for much of her output (just a few years too old for that), but as another woman with mental health issues who feels like she's torpedoed her life in the last year: Selena Gomez is all right in my book. Take some time off, lady, and maybe come back to do something less stressful like

I loved this pilot so much that I'm angry that there aren't more episodes to watch RIGHT NOW.

It's fun and I was obsessed with the story and read the original book on the lions as a teen.

It's getting to the point again where I want to buy dvds again

After seeing Equals with her in it, I am on the Kristen Stewart train and the trailer looked really cool. Will definitely see this at some point, depending on distribution or streaming!

I have 3.5 more seasons of Buffy and most of Angel still to watch, but this is the highlight of Buffy week so far! I've given up on being bothered about spoilers so I'm reading most of these articles. Marsters' answers were very thoughtful and he seems to have a good head on his shoulders, personally and

Didn't we all *decide* that he's a good actor at some point? I think it's sweet that they're close enough for that, anyway.

Now I'm sad about John Ritter again. He seemed a good sort and his son was pretty young still. His last show sure wasn't amazing tv but the way it dealt with his real-life death was done about as well as it could have been. If he'd died filming Buffy, his character certainly would not have gotten that.

She seems very sweet on instagram and her makeup is always lovely. Barb got the short end of the stick and it sucked that the town didn't care about her as much as Will.


Watching Buffy for the first time, as an adult, I do not find Xander's creepier actions charming, even if he does do some good things throughout the show. I'm more concerned about Brendon—it almost seems like it would be better to step away from Buffy stuff if possible. However, I'm sure conventions pay pretty well

I'm still only in season 4 of Buffy so haven't seen this guy yet, but I liked his TBS show. Unfortunately, "Men at Work" also starred Danny Masterson, who in the light of likely rape and sexual assault charges being covered up by Scientology, blech.

I think Freddie Prinze gets a bad rap—I think he started acting to be close to his late actor dad (who unfortunately killed himself when Freddie was a baby). Having read some interviews recently, he seems like a dork who happens to be charming and cute, and a devoted family man. I think they got lucky as far as

That syringe sounds terrifying! I hope you have a good recovery and lots of good tv to watch during it!

He absolutely should be in the next Bond. Felix Leiter is probably one of the most culturally relevant characters in the series right now.

Oh that part of it is definitely weird! That's fascinating about her doing her own makeup and styling. I just find the crazy melodrama of it weirdly enjoyable and you feel SO awful for De Havilland.


For Bette, I like "In this our life" from 1942, plus it has Olivia de Havilland!

I'm going to miss this column! I haven't been reading here that long (since 2014 for me I think) and it seems I have more to catch up on than I thought! Thus far my favorite has been the Meet Me in St. Louis piece (I swear there was one, right?).

This is a well-written and considered review, but it sounds like it would be extremely disturbing to relive the particular day of this movie over and over. If this goes into the psychological effects of that, I'm in bc that's what my depression feels like and just bc I'm "youngish and have a lot going for me" doesn't