I'm With Her

My parents have rewatched that final game 3 times already bc they still can't believe it happened! Go Cubs Go-oh-oh indeed

I still can't believe it won him a Pulitzer.

See those sound cool, but a gal might think you were studying or doing an assignment. If I do this, usually choose a slimmer novel, not necessarily light reading, though.

It is old enough to retire from some jobs too. My dad retired at 62 bc he couldn't take it anymore. Granted, I worry about his health a lot bc he had a heart attack at 51.

Good luck! My dad had his right knee done about a year and a half ago and he can play golf again. I hope you heal well!

Aw, I like Travis!

My first thought—my dad and I are about their ages and I can't imagine seeing my dad go through that.

I haven't listened to this yet but I am full-body cringing thinking about the video you're referencing. Aaaaaahhhh!!

The general movie-going public, I guess, so not on this website, haha. I was not thinking! I just feel like it's going to flop whether it's good or not.

Question: do most people even know what The Room is? I hadn't even heard of it before the Franco "reenactment" of it or whatever was announced.

Yeesh, it sounds like he has far too many yes-men around him bc that is a lot of chances for someone who apparently hasn't turned out a good film yet. I think he'd be less boring and insufferable if he got some help. And surely he could hire good cinematographers, etc? Ugh. He's going to rip through the canon of the

Ok! I was thinking about him recently bc someone referenced his memoir and how good it was. And good on him for being a cool guy.

Ok now I'm convinced that I need to give his catalogue a try (past the famous songs). That's awesome!

I liked Cinderella 2015 as its own thing but MAN you're right, the new Beauty and the Beast looks too much like a direct copy to live action. We already had one of these already!

I probably laughed harder at that than I should have, but as a sitcom fan it killed me. Ike Barinholtz is sometimes best in small exchanges on this show.

I wasn't as distracted by it today—maybe she's toned it down? I hope so bc those don't make anyone look better, just more uncanny valley-esque. (See also Ellie Goulding or Meg Ryan, whose tinkered visages confuse my brain bc I know what they should look like, even if none of them have done THAT much compared to a

I watched this before work today and really enjoyed it, though I agree that we need more reasons why they work better as a couple than the other ones Mindy has tried. If nothing else, Ben is the most "grown-up" guy she has dated and that has been refreshing, and plus he's a fellow parent. It would be nice to see them

Maybe! Ugh it is too short. IDK how I've let myself do this every time I like someone, so I hear you on the timidity front!

I'm on the fence about someone if they didn't vote—what if they were in NY or CA? Granted, I'm in NY and voted Dem just in case.

As a girl, I like building up acquaintances in that situation. But then I have a hopeless crush on a guy I think is too great and currently lives far away. So women are not immune to this problem, and I'm not on the spectrum, just generally depressed.