I'm With Her

Why did I not buy wine for this?????????

This is a good place to mention how happy I am with my disqus name even though I named it after "I'm With Her," a bluegrass group with Sara Watkins, Sarah Jarosz, and Aoife O'Donovan (and before the hashtag).

I just kept saying to the Cubbies, "you can do it! I know you can! Good boys!" Basically, I felt like an anxious mother. And those two did not make it easier that day!

Except…some do admit that they talk like that. Maybe it's generational to a degree or by career (unfortunately, factory and construction work). My dad told me they did and I basically was so overloaded with the whole issue that I freaked out and cried last week. There are too many times that I hate being a woman and

Told my mom today that I got my absentee ballot in and how I couldn't bring myself to vote for the idiot third party candidates and throw my vote away or REALLY throw it away on a write-in and so voted Hillary. My mom: "don't tell your father." It's upsetting bc he doesn't like Trump but neither of them realize how

Pretty true on that saying. I mean, we each need to find our partner attractive, but personality and being well-matched are way more important. Looks just get a foot in the door. (That said, I have trouble on this front in the version and find Jenny Slate's luck a bit inspiring for a tiny girl nerd like myself. Am

Oh good point! He got so sucky so fast that I forgot he was cool.

Yeah! It was really a solid film and impressive as his first directorial effort. Most critics are just snobs about romantic comedies now. It's a hard genre to do well, but what isn't?

It was nice in exactly that way, but I also enjoyed that his character in particular felt like a real person in a confusing part of his life.

I liked his outing with Alice Eve. "Before We Go" was a very enjoyable rom-com!

Good investments?

I actually like Ben for Mindy—he's kind, stable, likes Leo and is a good dad himself, and is just sweet with her. I mean, his character does need to be fleshed out more, but he's my favorite boyfriend so far bc he's a damn adult compared to all the others, the DTR fail notwithstanding. (I might be projecting a bit

More Jeremy and Tamra!!!

He really was delightful in The Famous Jet Jackson. Poor guy.

Pedrad is delightful in it and at least Song's departure, as it were, gave us Furguson the cat! Brenda Strong really does deserve better, though.

The guy is a few years older than me! I'm in my late twenties

Scrolled down to look for this and was not disappointed. Go Cubbies! We watched this film on every car trip when we got a portable VHS player for our minivan when my brothers and I were young. I've been saying WOOOORLD SERIEEES in my head just like he did in the film.

Also can we talk about the pile of garbage that is that Rebecca sequel from the '90s? The ending especially made me SO MAD as a teen and I'd never been so angry at a book in my life when I read it.

I dunno, I think Danvers should still be a scary older woman. Gosh, I think I've had nightmares with her in them.

Rebecca is my favorite book and I love my mom for telling me to read it as a teen. The first page is one of the most memorable first pages in a book that I've ever read.