I'm With Her

I always feel weird saying it's one of my favorite classic novels bc the stereotype is that women love Heathcliff's brooding. Nope, it's just a damn good book and I hate Heathcliff so very, very much even as I feel bad that his early circumstances in life royally screwed him up. And the description of the landscape is

I think about the tv adaptation of one of her stories with Colin Firth in it quite a bit. Man oh man. Sad that she and many of her contemporaries are mostly gone now.

Did you see the movie with Charlize Theron? While she is miles away from what Libby Day should look like, I thought it was a decent adaptation and I wish it had been in wide release.

Yeah, my best friend and I didn't—we more thought it refreshing that the main female character was an utter psycho who was very, very charming and the kind of character you normally only see as male in many thrillers.

I can recommend Laura McHugh's "The Weight of Blood." It's from 2014 and set in the Ozarks; - young woman's mother disappeared when she was a little girl and then a friend of hers disappears 15ish years later. VERY good and I can't believe it was a debut novel; definitely give it a read if you want a cross between

NOES films can be very affecting! I was older when I first saw the original (I think 21) and unfortunately, a bit later when I got my first apartment by myself, I realized that the radiators make a similar sound to Krueger's knive-nails on the pipes action. Not pleasant to hear when you live by yourself!

Scream, probably bc it was arguably Wes Craven's best film. To me, it's a fascinating look at grief/sadness and how it affects people differently. Plus it had a great cast and the throwback-to-Psycho beginning with Drew Barrymore.

I could use recommendations for horror movies on Netflix, Amazon Prime, and Hulu. Gah there is so much dreck mixed in with interesting stuff. The most recent one I tried was The Voices with Ryan Reynolds and while there's some decent acting in it (my word, Gemma Arterton deserves better), it's far too jarring in

That was a fun watch!

He looks like a guy I have a crush on—what a dreamboat. (I am an old person in a young person's body.)

Aw, I never listened to him before but the clips in this obit were quite nice! I love that he was able to make music with his sons and share that with them. RIP. :(

Oh, excellent choice!

This makes me SO angry as someone who studies ancient cultures that some of the tours prey on people like that. The history channel is bad enough without "tour guides" helping them. Oh well…I had a great-uncle who believed in everything from The Da Vinci Code, too, so people will believe dumb things if they want to.

I feel badly thinking she was older than that. I'm 28 and short and can't get people to think I'm older than 18 and that sucks too. I support other women's right to plastic surgery, but I really think it should be left until they're older and they've actually finished becoming adults. Although, by the sound of it, she

Yeah I think it was 4 where it started to lose me, but I did like that show and I'm planning on giving Perabo's new show a try, just for her.

I can see them in my head now and they are just SO creepy. I'm sure it was satisfying to destroy that one. Ripping paper is already a great feeling but destroying something so disturbing is even better. I recycled a book my parents bought for my brother about "Christian fatherhood" bc it was from the same publisher as

Haha, even if you don't do it, you should tell your idea to your wife. It's gold.

Besides SVH/SV Twins/SVU (wow so many spinoffs), I loved the Babysitters' Club books, all the many versions of Nancy Drew, the Dear America diaries, and one million other things that I'm sure other people will mention. And lots of Peanuts comic compilations.

Please do this and share it. As a fellow archaeologist, I want to commend you and your wife for being awesome.