I'm With Her

I think I was one of the last groups of kids and teens to read books with great cover illustrations (graduated high school in '06) and I really love that kind of work. I think poster illustrators are having trouble too—such a bummer.

For anyone who loved/hate-loved Sweet Valley High, there's an Irish woman blogging her way through the books who is absolutely hilarious and I highly recommend reading her commentary. http://redlemonade.blogspot…

I got lost by season 3 or 4. My parents have the DVDs, so I'll probably finish it at some point but they really did lose a lot of people when it went too serialized and conspiracy-driven.

That's the first thing I thought of. I'm a Christian but MAN do I dislike those things. They really freaked me out as a kid.

Well, that too. I always thought she was especially beautiful in Serendipity.

I didn't either, and I feel bad for liking it when I was 13. But, then, most young teens are idiots.

I love this response, actually. As a woman, I hate hearing men around me criticize the female actors in a movie while I think, "UH I think she's much prettier than me and you would never say those things to me, so what's up with you?!" Sigh. I also agree that perfection is boring.

That's too bad bc I really enjoyed Once and Begin Again. I thought Knightley was really good in the latter and I loved her voice.

This is true!! Hmm maybe I should rethink it.

Those sound very similar and both Bieber and Skrillex are annoying, so their getting sued is super.

I was so happy that I went to see her when I was studying abroad after her second cd came out. Got right in the front and had a grand time; probably the best gig I've been to.

I absolutely agree on keeping Lily Allen's first two CDs. I actually prefer the second one, though! Heck, Sheezus has grown on me as long as I ignore the title track; having the deluxe version helps.

I'm really short and have a small neck. I miss skinny scarves being in style! Big scarves overwhelm me and I should just start wearing them again anyway this fall. Thanks, Gilmores! (To be fair to this list, I do have a "newsboy" flat cap from the UK that I do feel odd wearing, but that's partially due to it being

That's the exact thing I thought when I first read about this "controversy." They couldn't come up with anything that would actually cause an issue? UGH. Faith on screen could be interesting, but I have no intention of seeing this.

It may be my favorite new word.

Fair enough! Plus, I don't have to pay money to go to the theater to see this Supergirl!

Plus, having a separate movie and tv divide is a waste. Why NOT be able to show Superman? It's not like Cavill is doing much of anything else apart from the hypothetical Justice League movies. Do we know if those are happening for real yet?

These former Glee stars being great really does make me look forward to Linklater's Everybody Wants Some!! with Blake Jenner (Benoist's husband! Ugh they are so cute). And this is from someone who hated Glee from the few episodes I watched on a plane. If it turns out people like this, then the casting people did a

I haven't been watching either (I was going to catch up on both during the summer), but I really want to watch everything from both of these after this write-up. It's so nice to read something positive about a DC property after all the BvS articles.

This is what bothers me: He can absolutely be charming (and so can Affleck), and eeeergh I want to imagine Cavill's version of superman where he's fun.…