I'm With Her

This checks out with my binge-watching of Friends knowledge acquired from the last few months!

Is it weird that I don't want to watch it just based on the title? I usually don't feel that way, but it sounds like a boring, derivative post-apocalyptic show. (Just looked it up and yep still sounds boring.)

Huh! I didn't know that. I liked season 4 but it didn't feel the same as the other seasons. I have to say, I hate when shows have wildly disparate episode counts among seasons. It's very awkward. I kinda wish the average was 13 (rather than 13 and back 9) so that: a) costs per season go down so maybe production costs

Wasn't he also a teacher in Sabrina the Teenage Witch?

It wasn't the best movie to see with my parents, but it really was funny. Too much gross humor, but mostly pretty great and way better than Adam Sandler's latest trash. ETA: I'd watch a movie just with Miranda Hart's character.

Has this happened with a network before? I kinda love this. Cancellations being less rampant now is generally awesome bc there have been seasons where up to four or five of the shows I'm watching get canceled. Dark times, indeed.

I really hope she and Adam Pally do some ridiculous song and dance numbers. I love her album and Max on Happy Endings was the best bar mitzvah dj and Man-donna lead ever.

Ooh! Good call. I need to finish that series! It was fun. I hope this show will be better than most are predicting. I still wish they'd gone the teen or college-age Nancy route. As a kid in the 90s, I read allll the versions I could get: original Nancy, fourth grade Nancy, college-age, and Hardy Boys-teamups.

Damn it, I'd watch that Hardy Boys show.

I've been worried about this thirty-something cop premise, but honestly it can't be worse than the Emma Roberts movie and I can't see Sarah Shahi in an uninspired show. I have (probably too-) high hopes for this!

It was 2005, but does Jodi Foster's Flightplan count as a Die-Hard-on-a-plane?

I haven't seen Olympus Has Fallen, but I thought Channing Tatum was a nice change of pace for a Bruce Willis stand-in. If you're going to copy Die Hard, then the wisecracking should definitely stay in.

I stumbled on it a few years ago on TCM and didn't know it was Hitchcock's until I obsessively read about it after it was over. So good. I made my family watch it and I tell others about it all the time. I think it's best on first watch, but it's rewarding to analyze on subsequent viewings. I made a point to watch

That actually sounds pretty great. ugh, I may need to show some episodes of this to my niece when she gets older bc there's still a lot of crap telling little girls what they can and cannot do.

I had two little brothers, so I think part of the appeal for little girl me with liking this show was sister wish-fulfillment. None of our family lived near us, either, so probably a bit of the large-family thing for me, too. I was a firm fan of the Olsens growing up, as well, and as a tiny girl, it was nice to see

I watched some episodes of Full House recently and yep, can confirm. Unfortunately, I've seen the trailer for this enough that I'll at least watch the pilot and I like your point about the women being the main characters. I wish I'd kept up with Younger for that reason. At least Kimmy and her daughter sound halfway

I kind of like GMW bc I was missing family sitcoms when it started, so I gave it a shot. Some of the episodes feel rushed, like they try to do too much in 20 or so minutes, but it's been good at not being overly-reliant on BMW. My biggest gripe with it is that it airs episodes in a strange order and continuity in the

Alright alright I'll watch it now! I kind of hate Netflix sometimes for taking away how nice it can be to schedule time out of my day to watch tv rather than endless binge-watching. I mean, it's nice to have seen 4 seasons of Friends in two months but it's also glaringly apparent that Netflix is one of my only

My first reaction was "WHY would they have that on a 'women's' channel and then I remembered Lifetime movies where women's lives inevitably suck. Gah.

Supposedly the last show you mention did really well in the UK, but the ads made it look worse than Superstore (ok, that one's not bad but not great either). Now that Undateable is over, I have no reason to watch NBC. Besides, I'm still mad at them for jerking around Community in season 4 and screwing over season 5,