I'm *That* Asshole

that description was low key brilliance. awesome.

I don’t get the alleged sexual magnetism. He’s like someone gave a ferret a fake beard and a Vineyard Vines gift card.

This guy is so smarmy, but the moments when he sheds his Nice Guy™ human skin and reveals the lizard person underneath make for pretty solid, hate-watchable TV.

Have you read her tweets? She talks about how having cis men cast as transwomen puts transwomen in very real danger. She’s informing Bomer of something he likely wasn’t aware of and can actually easily do something about.

And dealing with chronic illness in the eye of never ending tabloids, paps, and instagram? No shit anxiety’s happening.


One of the more prominent beneficiaries of Hollywood nepotism in recent years, no?

She is unfathomably adorable in every way, but that dress is quite unflattering on her amazing gymnast bod o’ muscles.

I’m not sure. Apparently he gets tired of people pointing out he’s a rapist.

I have to admit, I kind of live for Laurie Hernandez’s expressions:

Apparently you’re not familiar with Title K-IX.

Now playing

Enjoy this footage of white supremacist Craig Cobb learning that his DNA indicates he’s 14% African.

I think you may have needed to pepper this with “/s” tags. Also saw a loooong ass thread on fb this morning about how awful the racism towards the White Folks was getting (that your comment is sort of channeling the spirit of.) :(

All the people trying for months to claim BLM was a hate group, are so pissed right now.

Because of the constitutionally-protected rights to free speech and free association.

I feel so accomplished.

Tony Stewart tried it yesterday and twitter gathered him up real quick

Y’know, the thing about this whole thing that sticks out to me the most is that we’re making such a big deal out of, and drawing so much attention to, one guy’s choice to sit down during a song, whether that was ok to do or not, instead of the very thing that Kaepernick is trying to bring attention to, which is the