I'm *That* Asshole

We’re the same age. There is no way this 41yo body could run full-speed at the vault before running out of breath 3/4 of the way there. Even if this 41yo body could make it all the way, it would slam into the vault. She has my undying respect.

Way to miss the point of her argument! Move along now.

They’re also basing it on data from an Olympics FOUR years ago, when social media was just beginning to dominate; and an Olympics two years ago, which never earns many eyes on the US. Nice try, move on.

Good commentary. I don’t necessarily agree with all (the shift from being behind that line in the free to ahead is too dramatic IMO), but this one of the best comments in the three Hosszú articles(so far) across gawker today!

When you compare it to East German progress, that's probably not a good thing for the veracity of the record.

Deadspin is excusing his behavior. Might want to get on the same wavelength.

As a former victim of domestic abuse, I can attest that he is straight-up abusing her. That you can’t see it and are doing this, “oh, we don’t know, even though we’re witnessing him abuse her...” BS.

They need to fire all their [men] who are still living in the 1950s.

Apparently he’s incredibly abusive toward her in practice, which worries other swimmers. She says he’s sweet and gentle otherwise. The whole situation bothers me on soooooooooooo many levels. If she ends up dead “accidentally”........

As NBC said, women care about the journey not the result. Duh, of course her husband, who was standing while she SWAM is responsible for her WR/OR because result.


Another whiny millennial who thinks he deserves something. I have zero sympathy for you. You were incredibly dense and entirely incapable of seeing the writing on the wall. Reading your woe-is-me story, I kept saying, “So? How is this screwing you?” THEY DIDN’T SCREW YOU OVER. YOU’RE JUST AN IDIOT WHO DOESN’T

My ovaries hate it when things are live.

You must be fun at parties.

When I see Leslie do funny, delightful things like this (honest, genuine enthusiasm), it makes me smile. I will never understand how there are people out there who hate on her. Why? How? She's a NATIONAL TREASURE!

GIRLS of Trump. WOMEN of Starbucks. WOMEN of Enron.

Posting a headshot of yourself? Jeez. How does Pitbull fit that ego through doorways?

Normally, I would be like, “Whatevs.” But I love that you corrected me as *that* asshole!

They get their urinals. That space is definitely men-only (because we’re smart and stay out of those cesspools).

Omg. Every space is a white, male space. Why can’t you let us have one tiny spot where we can chill with people who look like us, talk like us, and won’t try to assault us? I’m so sick of MRAs and All Lives Matter BS.