
If you believe the crime to be so serious, and it is, then why the "LOL Jeb and Kristin Cavallari are so CRAZY y'all AMIRITE and NOW THIS??!?!?" tone of the lede graf? The readers posting the "I'm OK with this" comments have revealed themselves to be monsters incapable of either compassion or critical thought, but it

I see what you are saying. And I am not in any way saying that the excuse for the dude is that "boys will be boys" or that the making of the video was the teen woman's "fault." But there is a lot of premeditation in this act of vengeance, down to the difficulty of procuring the materials and isolating the victim for

I just can't believe both the flippant (and somewhat [though I'm sure unintentional] non-sequitur-ial tone of this article [pretty sure South Africa has a set of social traumas outside the Bushes and Jenny McCarthy) and the already long stack of comments condoning physical violence and vigilante justice in this

I should have realized you were a Jezebel commenter since your first line of response is to castigate an entire nationality and call someone who questions you an asshole. Nice.

What? If you're reading a lot of stories about the Holocaust right now, how is it "glossed over"? I can assure you that every child from the equivalent of your* pre-K and every year thereafter is thoroughly well-informed about the Holocaust in school and at home. I'm talking showing the Shoah films to four-year-olds.

And this: "Gaunt librarian types who could not make eye contact with humans."

As a German, I approve of this message. The fictionalised version of Deutsche Bank in The International was actually quite tame...

It's a terminal degree though! So you're totally a librarian. :)

Do you sort of have an MIS/MLIS/CRM/CA?

That's actually a misrepresentation of the famous quote from Shakespeare. What it means in the context of the quote (spoken by someone on behalf of usurping the justice system) is that without a representational legal system tyranny would rule...seriously, look it up.

Well, there's a range – actually I should say a "wealth," löl, of material on this subject... I guess the academic pinnacle is Foucault, who pretty much pioneered the study of exactly the subject of this post, the relationship between late capitalism and, literally, sexual humiliation and subjugation. This is very

Until the ostensible "progressive left" and third wavers in particular reject the childish notion that women, no matter who they are or what they do, are sacrosanct, we can never really attack the enterprise of pornography and prostitution for what it is, the paid suspension of a woman's autonomy and sexuality.

No. Nouns of gender describing humans [as opposed to the old feminizing of ships, etc.] (and increasingly animals) take who or whom.


I'm German, and I definitely do not shower every day in the winter and sometimes not in the summer. (Just to be clear we do have bidets and stuff, and I make sure the parts that come in contact with or generate messy biosecretions are all clean.) If you've ever been on a train in Southern Deutschland, Italy, or around

You're asking that question on a GM site?

Better to die in the greys than live with one's knees on the dictionary, thesaurus, etc.

I agree. About the posts. It's the accumulation of awfulness that is grating. And I don't just lay it on the doorstep of the authors; especially for their first posts, someone should edit them. It's not like the "editors" here are out scraping for new news about Boko Haram or Charlie Hebdo or something, they could

Yes. Hence the use of the word "y'all."

Yeah, well this is not a good first impression. I know you post a lot and try hard to create a sense of community. But journalism is a job. It's the writers' responsibility to at least be correct and not blatantly offensive. If Emma Carmichael can't hire people who can express themselves properly in the hosting