
Well, for one thing, it's really too bad Denton isn't subject to something like the old ABC (Audit Bureau Circulation) disclosures newspapers used to have to make public to their advertisers in order to allow them to assess the demographics of who was reading the product. I highly suspect GM's readership skews much

Wow, y'all are really making a splash with these inaugural posts. The body horror about the triplets, the crazy incoherent vanilla extract post, and now this nice little bit of hateful ageism in what is essentially a bogus news story crafted specifically to allow nasty comments about non-Millennials:

I don't know. It didn't stop William Styron or Dorothy Parker from knocking out some pretty good prose...

It's early morning where I am but I think I am going to have to "get a drunk" myself.

Most creative elaboration on the English language yet...

She is not a "woman of color." Robert Kardashian's family was Armenian, you know, near the Caucasus mountains? Where the word caucasian comes from? And her mom's Kris Jenner. Can't get much whiter than that. I'm a caucasian German and I have very similar colouring to Kim K. The problem is that she's a fur hag. The

Here is a link to a research report from the European Group for Animals presented recently to the European Parliament about what happens to animals on fur farms, including fox and mink. And this is in Europe, where fur farming is somewhat regulated.

I wasn't suggesting that the OP, moose_truther, was begging to be ungreyed and she seems not to have taken in that way. You cannot deny that people have begged, in a suck-uppy way, to be recognised in this manner (and that is has worked) since the new commenting system began and as MT further comments, the repetitive

That is a relatively recent and unfortunate development in the Gawker comments section, and here, owing partially to the architecture of Kinja but also to the increasing immaturity of the staffs at both flagships, who treat the comments section as a kind of self-affirming cabal instead of, you know, a comments section

Far be it for me to judge how you want your $500.

...turns out he's a major programmer for Bethesda.

I'll find you. :)

If only we had DM on the terrible new Kinja platform!

Ahh! Meine Zimmernachbarin ist in Rumänien geboren. ...

Residents of Moldova may travel, and work, visa-free in the Schengen zone. And participate in Eurovision.

I wonder if anything happened anywhere else. Maybe the Midwest but not Chicago. Pennsylvania but not Philadelphia. Pittsburgh? Yeah, the Monroeville Mall in Pittsburgh. I wonder if there's anything online about it.

Why is that a problem? Citizens working under the Schengen laws in any capacity are protected by those laws as well, in terms of compensation as well as Hartz IV and so on. The highest percentage of first generation immigrants right now are from the newer EU members such as Moldova. Besides Turkish, which you would

Why not? It's not like we're going to stop paying for the rest of the continent's population growth. Do you think the Germans are going to send Greece a bill in a couple years to be paid in kids for the bailout? Despite the CSU's grumbling the majority of the population is committed to the wellbeing of the EU.

I see your answer to my question above here, kind of, for the U.S. We're not having that problem for these reasons (or with these effects) in Europe.

Please illuminate me (a German) to the "host of problems" brought on by low birth rates.